Using the AIS Administration Service to Clear Cache

Run the AIS Administration Service by placing a URL in a browser with valid EnterpriseOne credentials. The AIS Administration Service takes an EnterpriseOne username and password as input. You can invoke the service using either a GET or a POST HTTP method.

The URI is:


The AIS Administrator Service is able to take credentials in several forms.

For the GET call, you can either use basic authorization or you can provide the username and password as URL parameters, for example:


For the POST operation you can use basic authorization, provide username and password as parameters, or provide username and password as JSON input, for example:


If the service succeeds, the response looks like this:

{"message":"All XML File Caches and X-Ref/Whitelist Caches have been cleared and refreshed.","timeStamp":"2015-04-30:14.26.58"}

If the service fails, these are the possible reasons:

  • Invalid credentials, which is indicated by the following response:

    {"message":"Error: Authorization Failure Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://<jas_server>:<port>/jde/FormServiceRequest","exception":"","timeStamp":"2015-04-30:14.28.59"}

  • Service disabled in settings, which is indicated by the following response:

    {"message":"Error: Admin Service is disabled in configuration. No action has been taken. ","timeStamp":"2015-04-30:14.31.41"}

  • User has not been added to the AIS Server's AdminServiceUserList setting in Server Manager, which is indicated by the following response:

    {"message":"User is not authorized to use the Admin Service","timeStamp":"2015-07-07:14.23.25"}