Composed EnterpriseOne Pages Overview

Composed EnterpriseOne Pages are EnterpriseOne pages with user defined layouts that you can create and design. They provide a user experience that enables you to access multiple content types from a single page. Composed EnterpriseOne Pages enable you to access web pages, EnterpriseOne application forms, One View Reports, Classic Pages, Designer Panes, Watchlist Panes, Springboard Panes, OBIEE objects, ADF applications, and (Release 9.2.6) orchestrations and notifications from page layouts you create in EnterpriseOne.

Composed EnterpriseOne Pages and Classic EnterpriseOne Pages differ in that you do not need to have HTML coding knowledge to create Composed EnterpriseOne Pages.

A Composed EnterpriseOne Page consists of one or more content types. Composed EnterpriseOne Pages display content vertically and horizontally in the page, and are viewed in a single browser window. You can view a frame of content in maximized mode. You can also resize content frames at runtime.

Both Composed EnterpriseOne Pages and Classic EnterpriseOne Pages display as tabs across the top of the screen when you login to EnterpriseOne. Applications embedded in Composed EnterpriseOne Pages do not contain a Close button. Instead, you can navigate away from the application by clicking other content within the page. When you navigate away from an application in a Composed EnterpriseOne Page, EnterpriseOne saves any information you have already entered, so when you return, your information remains as you left it. However, such information will not be saved across different user sessions.