Configuring an Orchestration or Notification Component (Release 9.2.6)

Beginning with Release 9.2.6, you can associate an orchestration or notification with a designer pane. You can configure the orchestration or notification associated with the designer pane by using the Associate Orchestration pop-up window.

Note: You cannot associate an orchestration with a designer pane if the orchestration contains object inputs.

To configure an orchestration or notification associated with the designer pane:

  1. In the Associate Orchestration pop-up window, from the Select Orchestration drop-down list, select the orchestration or notification that you want to associate with the tile. Alternatively, you can enter the name of the orchestration or notification.
  2. In the Map Input section, perform the following steps:
    • In the Default Value field, enter the default value for the mapping input.

      When you place the cursor in the Default Value field, you see a balloon that displays the input data type.

      If a default value has been defined in the Orchestrator Studio for this input, that default value is displayed in this field in italic font. The value that you enter in this field will override the default value that is defined for the orchestration or notification in the Orchestrator Studio.

      Note: (Release You can also associate an orchestration/notification/logic extension with array inputs. If the input type is array, then click the corresponding Array icon under Default Value in the Associate orchestration pop-up window. A pop-up box is displayed that contains an array of inputs including the default values from the orchestration studio. You can modify, delete, or add new rows. Click Save to save your changes in the grid.

      If the mapping input is a mandatory field, an asterisk (*) is displayed beside the Default Value field.

    • (Tools Release Renaming Input Fields

      You can edit the input fields in the Map Input section to modify the name of the Orchestration or Notification input according to your preference. To modify input field names, click the input field you want to edit and enter a new name to modify the existing name of the orchestration or notification input. In case of multi-line inputs, you can modify the name of the multi-line input in the Associate Orchestration wizard, and to modify the individual grid inputs click the Array icon and enter a new name for the orchestration or notification input you want to edit in the window that is displayed. If you modify the name of the input from a tile, the system displays the renamed input only when the orchestration is called from that tile.

    • Use the Allow Input toggle button to determine whether the field should be displayed at runtime or not.
    Note: If the mapping input is a mandatory field and if you leave the default value field blank, the Allow Input toggle button will be enabled and grayed out.
  3. In the Configuration section, perform the following steps:
    • Use the Run Synchronously toggle button to run the orchestration or notification in the synchronous or asynchronous mode.
    • Use the Show Message toggle button to display the orchestration success message that has been configured for the orchestration. For more information about orchestration response messages, see "Defining Orchestration Response Messages (Tools Release" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide.
    Note: You can enable the Show Message toggle button only if the Run Synchronously toggle button is enabled. If the Run Synchronously toggle button is disabled, the Show Message toggle button is disabled and grayed out.
  4. Click Save.

The name of the orchestration or notification is displayed in the Orchestration Name field in the Configure Tile dialog box.