Creating a List View Grid Format

To create a List View grid format:

  1. Open the application for which you want to create a List View grid format.

  2. Click the Personalize Grid icon.

  3. In the Grid Format Manager, ensure (Create) is the value in the Name field. If another value is displayed, select (Create) from the Name drop-down list.

  4. Select List View from the Format Type drop-down list. This action displays the Layout section to configure the layout of the grid.

    Note: The List View grid format is applicable only to find/browse grids. List View grid format is also supported in Visual Assist forms.
  5. Select the Set As Default option to designate the new grid format as the default for the form. Only one grid format can be the default grid format for a form.

  6. In the Layout section, Add Field (a square button with a plus sign) is displayed. Click the Add Field to display an inventory list of all the fields that can be added to the List View grid. The field inventory list also includes attachments, provided that the grid in the form supports attachments.

    After a field is added to the grid layout, the added field will no longer appear in the inventory list. The inventory list for the field is sorted in alphabetical order.

    The following table explains the icons in the Layout section:




    This image is described in surrounding text.

    Add Field

    Enables you to add a field to the List View grid format.

    This image is described in surrounding text.

    Add Value Only

    Enables you to display only the value of the selected field in the List View grid.

    This image is described in surrounding text.

    Add Both Label and Value

    Enables you to display the label of the selected field along with its value.

    This image is described in surrounding text.

    Configure Label/ Value

    Enables you to specify how the text is aligned horizontally on the grid.

    This image is described in surrounding text.

    Right Alignment

    Enables you to align text horizontally to the right of the cell.

    This image is described in surrounding text.

    Left Alignment

    Enables you to align text horizontally to the left of the cell.

    This image is described in surrounding text.

    Edit Column Name

    Enables you to rename a field that has been added to the grid layout. (Release

    This image is described in surrounding text.

    Revert to Original

    Enables you to revert a field name to the original FDA name after you rename it. (Release

    This image is described in surrounding text.

    Remove Field

    Enables you to delete a field that has been added to the grid layout.

    This image is described in surrounding text.

    Remove this column

    Enables you to delete a column from the grid layout.

    This image is described in surrounding text.

    Remove this row

    Enables you to delete a row from the grid layout.

    This image is described in surrounding text.

    Add a row to bottom

    Enables you to add a row to the grid layout.

    This image is described in surrounding text.

    Add a column to right

    Enables you to add a column to the grid layout.

  7. Select any field from the inventory list. You can choose to display only the value of the selected field, or both the label and value of the field.

    You can add other fields from the inventory list by again clicking the Add Field button (plus sign). The selected fields appear as cells in the Layout section. The grid displays only those fields that have been added to the Layout section and in the same order in which they appear in the Layout section.

    After you add all the available fields to the grid layout, the Add Field button (plus sign) will not appear in the cell. However, when you remove any of the fields from the layout, the Add Field button will reappear.

    Note: You cannot add the same field twice in a grid layout.
  8. Point to or click on the cell to display the Configure Label/Value, Remove Field, Edit Column Name, and Revert to Original icons.

    • Click the Configure Label/Value icon to specify how the text is aligned horizontally on the grid. The two types of text alignment available are Left Alignment and Right Alignment.

      When you select the Add Both Label and Value option from the field inventory list, the label of field is by default aligned to the right, and its value is aligned to the left of the cell.

    • (Release Click the Edit Column Name icon and enter a new name to rename a field that has been added to the grid layout.

      The system displays the renamed field in blue color font.

      Note: Renamed grid column headers are not supported in One View Reporting (OVR).
    • (Release Click the Revert to Original icon to reset a renamed field to the original FDA name.

      Note: The Revert to Original icon is enabled only if you select a renamed field.
    • Click the Remove Field icon to delete a field from the grid layout. The deleted fields are added to the field inventory list.

  9. Customize the grid layout by adding rows and columns as desired.

    • To add a row to the grid layout, click the Add a row to bottom icon (three triangles located at the bottom of the Layout section). A new row is added at the bottom of the grid.

      The first row added in the Layout section is referred to as a primary row. The fields included in the primary row are displayed in bold and bigger font to distinguish them from the other rows.

    • To add a column, click the Add a column to right icon (three triangles located at the right of the Layout section) to add a column to the grid. A new column is added to the right side of the grid.

  10. Click Data Sequencing to change the sort sequence of the grid. See, Changing the Sort Sequence of a Grid for more information.

  11. Click the Save button.

    You cannot change the Format Type after you save a List View grid format. The Format Type drop-down list is disabled and you cannot change its value until you create a new one. Similarly, when you open an existing grid format in the Grid Format Manager, the Format Type option cannot be changed and the drop-down list is disabled.

  12. In the Enter New Name dialog box, enter a unique name for the List View grid format. The new grid format is saved as a Personal grid format with the name you entered.

  13. Click the OK button.

    Note: If you enter a name that already exists, the following message is displayed: "The name is already in use, duplicate names are not allowed."
  14. Click the Close button to close the Grid Format Manager.

    Note: You will not receive the Session Timeout message while working in the Grid Format Manager side panel.

If you modified an existing personal grid format, you can click either the Save or Save As icon. Clicking Save updates the original personal grid format with the changes. Clicking Save As requires you to enter a new grid format name, so that you have the original grid format and a new personal grid format with the updates you made.

If you want to recall the default format, save the original grid format before you save a new format. Otherwise, you must remove the new format, exit the application, and then access the application again to view the default grid format.