Creating and Saving Queries to Search for Data

After you create a new query, click Save on the Query Manager side panel. If you modified an existing personal query, you can click either the Save or Save As icon. Clicking Save updates the original personal query with the changes. Clicking Save As requires you to enter a new query name, so that you have the original query and a new personal query with the updates you made.

Access a form with the Query control.

  1. To create a new query, select All Records from the Query drop-down list if it does not appear as the query selection.

  2. Click the Manage Queries icon.

  3. In the Query Manager side panel, verify that (create) is the value in the Name field. If another value appears, select (create) from the drop-down list.

  4. If you want the new query to be the default query for the form, click the Set As Default option.

  5. If you want the query to run automatically whenever it is selected, click the "Run query when selected" option.

  6. Select either the Match Any or Match All option.

  7. Click the form fields or QBE columns that you want use as search criteria.

    Note: You can select only the form fields and QBE columns that have a plus sign.
  8. Select a comparison type for each field or QBE column.

  9. Specify the comparison value for each field or QBE column in the query.

    Note: The system displays an error if the value entered is not valid. Close the error dialog box and enter a valid value.
  10. For date or string data items, enter a value for comparison or select the down arrow to specify values in the Set Special Value pop-up window.

  11. Click the Find button in the Query Manager side panel or on the form to run the query.

  12. To save the query, click the Save Query icon in the Query Manager side panel and enter a name for the query. The new query name appears in the Query field.

  13. Close the Query Manager side panel.

    The new query name appears in the Query field on the form. To find records without using a query, you must reset the Query field to All Records.