Entering Designer Pane Information

This section describes the tasks associated with the Designer Pane.

  1. On Create Link to Designer Pane, complete the following fields and tasks:

    • Name

      Enter a name for the Designer Pane. This is a required field. The name that you enter can be up to 80 characters.

    • Description

      Enter a description for the content frame. This is an optional field. The description that you enter can be up to 200 characters.

      The description that you enter appears on the title bar of the Designer Pane when the content is saved. If you do not enter a description, the Designer Pane will not have a name when it is displayed on the Composed EnterpriseOne Page.

      You can use the description to provide information about the content frame.

    • Initial Total Columns (Release

      Select the number of columns you want to add to the grid. Use the slide bar to set the value between 1 and 5. You can add more columns from the Designer Pane content frame.

    • Initial Total Rows (Release

      Select the number of rows you want to add to the grid. Use the slide bar to set the value between 1 and 5. You can add more rows from the Designer Pane content frame.

  2. After you enter the required information, click OK to add a Designer Pane to the Composed EnterpriseOne Page.

See also: Working with Designer Pane in this guide.