Modifying Images in EnterpriseOne

You use Image Manager to modify existing images.

To modify an existing image:

  1. Open EnterpriseOne.

  2. Click the user personal information located on the right side of the banner bar at the top of the screen.

  3. Under the Personalization category, click the Manage Content link, then select Images. Image Manager side panel is displayed.

  4. On Image Manager, choose Existing to select an existing image to modify.

  5. Enter the information into the following fields:


    Enter the name of the existing image you want to modify.

    Note: The image file name and its extension are case sensitive.

    When you click the Find button, the Available Images window is displayed with all the images that are available to you and are in one of these categories:

    • Personal: Images that are viewable by you only.

    • Pending Approval: Images that you requested your administrator to publish so that they can be shared with other authorized users. Only you can see these images.

    • Rework: Images that are rejected by your administrator and have been returned to you for fixing. Only you can see these images.

    • Reserved: Images that you have moved from Pending Approval so that you can change them before they are published or images that are rejected by the administrator and are in the Rework category.

      You can reserve a shared image. When you reserve a shared image, there are two copies of it: the original shared image that only you can view and modify (the reserved copy) and the original shared image that is still available to other authorized users.

    • Shared: Images that have been published and are available to all authorized users.


    System automatically displays the description of the selected image. You can change this information, and enter a new description. If you do not enter any information, image name will be displayed in the Description field.

  6. Click the Browse button to locate the replacement image file you want to upload.

    Note: The graphic image types can be in gif, jpeg, jpg, and png formats.
  7. Click Save.

  8. Close the Image Manager.