Running Orchestrations from Designer Pane (Release 9.2.6)

You can run orchestrations and notifications that are associated with a tile in a designer pane from a Composed EnterpriseOne Page. The orchestrations or notifications in a designer pane are displayed as tiles labeled with their names in the content frame.

To run an orchestrations or notifications from the designer pane:

  1. Open the Composed EnterpriseOne Page that contains the designer pane that has the orchestrations or notifications associated with the tiles.
  2. Click the tile that contains the orchestrations or notifications.
    Note: If the orchestration or notification cannot be run because of an error, a red x icon is displayed on the top right corner of the tile. Hover over the red x icon to view the error, which may be one of the following:
    • AIS Login Failure: This indicates that the AIS server is down. This error message will not be displayed in logic extension.
    • Orchestration is updated with unsupported data type: This indicates that the orchestration has been updated to contain unsupported data types (object inputs).
  3. (Optional) When configuring the designer pane components in Associate Orchestration pop-up window, If the Allow Input toggle button is enabled for any of the inputs of orchestration or notification then the Enter Input dialog box is displayed with Orchestration Inputs and File Inputs tabs in runtime.

    Note: If Orchestration only has either Orchestration Input or File Input, then only the corresponding tab is displayed.

    In the Orchestration Inputs tab, When you place the cursor in the Default Value field, you see a balloon that displays the input data type. If default values have been defined for the inputs in the Associate Orchestration pop-up window or the Orchestrator Studio, the default values are displayed in italic font.

    If the input type is array, then click the corresponding Multiple Inputs button under Default Value in the Enter Input popup window. A pop-up box is displayed that contains an array of inputs with default values. You can modify, delete, or add new rows. Click OK to save your changes.

    In the File Inputs tab, you can upload file inputs for Orchestrations. When you select the File Inputs tab, the file upload option is displayed where you can drag and drop the file or use the upload button to select the files for uploading. You can upload individual or multiple files, depending on the File Inputs configuration selected in the Orchestration Studio.

    • The maximum file size depends on the MaxFileUploadSize configuration in JAS.ini. If file size exceeds the configured maximum, an error message will be displayed.
    • When you upload duplicate files or upload files that do not match the Studio configuration, an error message is displayed.

    In the Enter Input dialog box, enter new values for the inputs as applicable and then click Reset to clear the values or click OK to run the orchestration.

    According to the output configuration, if the Files option is selected in the Orchestration Studio, you can download the file that has been successfully processed during the Orchestration process. Orchestration Studio allows you to download the response as a single file or a zip file.

    By clicking the Download File icon, the file is downloaded to the browser's default download directory. If you close the window without downloading the file, a confirmation message appears.

    You can resize the pop-up box by using the Resize icon in the bottom-right corner to accommodate the number of columns and rows that you want to display in the pop-up box.

    Note: An asterisk (*) displayed beside the Value field for an orchestration or notification input indicates that the input is mandatory. If the Value field is blank for a required input, when you click OK, a message is displayed to indicate that you must enter a value in the field to proceed.
  4. A dialog box is displayed that informs you whether the orchestrations or notifications ran successfully.

    If the Show Message toggle button is enabled in the Associate Orchestration pop-up window when configuring the designer pane components, the response message configured for the orchestration in the Orchestrator Studio is also displayed.

  5. (Optional) Click the Info (i) icon to view more information about the orchestration or notification response and then click OK.
  6. Click OK.