Sharing and Approving Pre-Created UDOs

With Application Release 9.2, pre-created UDOs shipped with EnterpriseOne are included in the installation with the Central Objects path code. In order to use the pre-created UDOs, you must Approve/Share them.

Note: EnterpriseOne Release 9.2 converts UDOs that users created in releases 9.0 and 9.1 to a new format.

To share the pre-created UDOs:

  1. Open P98220U and select Pending Promote from the User Defined Object Status drop-down menu.

    If you want to share One View reporting UDOs, you must first configure the Business Intelligence Server. See "Installing One View Reports" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools One View Administration Guide.

  2. Click Find.

  3. Select the records you want to Approve or Share, click the Row exit, and then click Approve/Share.

  4. Sign out and sign back in to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne for the reports to appear in the applications.

    Note: Signing in and signing out of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne refreshes the security cache and loads the new shared UDOs.