UDO Life Cycle and Statuses

A drop-down menu located on the design panel shows you the status at which a UDO resides.

If you have Request to Publish (Create Publish) permissions, you will see a Request to Publish button on the UDO design panel. When clicked, this button makes the UDO available to an application that an administrator can access. An administrator will approve or reject the request to publish. If the request to publish is approved, the administrator can opt to share the UDO with others.

If the administrator determines that you need to revise the UDO, the administrator will send a message to your Work Center explaining the reason why the UDO was rejected. You can then make modifications, and then Request to Publish it again.

The status in which your UDO resides in the life cycle is reflected in the drop-down menu that is associated with each UDO. The menu has categories, displayed in bold, that indicate the current stage of a UDO.

The following table lists the statuses and defines each one:

UDO Status



UDOs in this category are ones you have created for yourself, but have not Requested to Publish.

Pending Approval

UDOs in this category are ones you have created and have Requested to Publish.


UDOs in this category are ones you have Requested to Publish, but have been rejected by the approver.


UDOs in this category are ones that are shared, but you have reserved to make changes to. Once reserved, no other user can make changes to those UDOs.


UDOs in this category are ones that are shared.