64-bit EnterpriseOne Tools Release

Support for 64-bit processing is available with Tools Release 9.2.3 and beyond. To support a flexible adoption two versions are available, 32-bit Tools Release and 64-bit Tools Release. The Enterprise Server and development client are supported for 64-bit processing in Tools Release 9.2.3. Support for upgrading the Deployment Server to 64-bit is available in Tools Release 9.2.4 and beyond.Until you upgrade to a 64-bit Deployment Server and all the associated path codes, 32-bit will be considered the source of truth and all development should be performed on a 32-bit development client.

While it is possible to upgrade to Tools Release 9.2.3 (64-bit) directly, the recommendation is a phased approach. To reduce the number of variables, upgrade to Tools Release 9.2.3 (32-bit) first. Once validated, the upgrade to Tools Release 9.2.3 (64-bit) can then proceed.