Associating Converted UDOs with Default Projects.

To associate converted UDOs to default projects:

Note: For the UBE to run properly, you must set the external role for users outside OMW to 02-Developer. You do this by clicking on the Constants icon in the P98230 application.
  1. Run UBE R98222UDO/XJDE0001 from a web client to add converted objects to default projects.

    R98222UDO performs the necessary steps to create the default project for the personal objects and corresponding records so that the end user can make modifications to their personal objects.

    The UBE runs over the F9861W table and checks if the object exists in any current project. If the object exists, that information is written to the report and nothing is done with the object.

    If the object does not yet exist in a project, the UBE will:

    Check if the default project for the user who created the object exists.

    If it does not exist:

    Create the default project; add the user as a developer and originator.

    If it does exist:

    Check if the user has the role of developer or originator and add accordingly.

    Add the object to the default project.

    Update the Object Management Workbench (OMW) object record to indicate that this object is checked out to the default project.

  2. For end users to be able to view, create, and modify UDOs, you must confirm setup of Allowed actions. New OMW actions for new UDOs are shipped with the ASI. The security works tightly with OMW allowed actions, which you must set up prior to creating security records. The OMW allowed actions are:

    1. Copy (06)

    2. Reserve (03) - checkout

    3. Delete (04)

    4. Add (05)

    5. Remove from Project (12)

    6. Add Object to Project (16)

    7. Remove Reservation (30) - erase checkout

      See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Object Management Workbench Guide and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Security Administration Guide.

    8. In order to transfer a UDO from one path code to another, you must confirm the transfer activity rules in Object Management Configuration (OMC). You setup these transfer activity rules as you would for a regular Object Librarian object (i.e. APPL) with the source and target path codes.