Tools Release 9.2.2.x

The OUI in Tools Release 9.2.2.x or later includes:

  • An OUI version upgrade from to

  • The oracle.swd.oui.core.min component.

  • A JRE instead of a JDK.

Update the oraparam.ini for the Development Client installer:

  1. Navigate to: <E1_dep_svr_install_directory>\OneWorld Client Install\install and copy the oraparam.ini file with a new name of oraparam - copy.ini.

  2. Locate the BOOTSTRAP_COMPS= line in the oraparam.ini file.

  3. Comment out the existing line by adding # at the start of the line, for example:


  4. Add the following new line immediately after the existing line:


  5. Find the line that starts with OUI_VERSION=

  6. Comment out the existing line by adding '#' at the start of the line, for example:


  7. Add the following new line immediately after the existing line


Update the oraparam.ini for the WLSH4A installer (If you are implementing WebLogic H4A (WLSH4A).

  1. Navigate to <E1_dep_svr_install_directory>\OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature\WLSH4A\install and copy the oraparam.ini file with a new name of oraparam - copy.ini.

  2. Locate the BOOTSTRAP_COMPS= line in the oraparam.ini file.

  3. Comment out the existing line by adding '#' at the start of the line, for example:


  4. Add the following new line immediately after the existing line


  5. Locate the line that starts with OUI_VERSION=

  6. Comment out the existing line by adding # at the start of the line, for example:


  7. Add the following new line immediately after the existing line


Update the oraparam.ini for the WASH4A installer (If you are implementing WebSphere H4A (WASH4A).

  1. Navigate to <E1_dep_svr_install_directory>\OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature\WASH4A\install and copy the oraparam.ini file with a new name of oraparam - copy.ini.

  2. Locate the BOOTSTRAP_COMPS= line in the oraparam.ini file.

  3. Comment out the existing line by adding '#' at the start of the line, for example:


  4. Add the following new line immediately after the existing line


  5. Find the line that starts with OUI_VERSION=

  6. Comment out the existing line by adding # at the start of the line, for example: #OUI_VERSION=

  7. Add the following new line immediately after the existing line


Note: The installer in the folder <E1_dep_svr_install_directory>\OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature\H4A85 is obsolete. You can delete this folder; however, it does not hurt to keep it.