Scheduler Service REST Endpoints

Scheduler Service
Enables admin users to manage scheduled notifications and orchestrations. IMPORTANT: If using a token for authentication, you must get the token using the v2 tokenrequest service and use the token for calls to all scheduler services.
Analyze Configuration Test Data
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/analyzeUnitTestState
List a Collection of Services v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/listJobs
List Executing Jobs v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/listExecuting
List Notification Schedules v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/discover
List Scheduled Jobs v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/list
Ping Scheduler v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/pingScheduler
Ping Schedulers v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/pingSchedulers
Start a Collection of Schedulers v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/startSchedulers
Start a Collection of Services v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/startJobs
Start a Scheduled Job v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/startjob/{endpoint}
Start a Scheduler v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/startScheduler
Start All Scheduled Notifications and Orchestrations v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/start
Start Configuration Test for a Cluster
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/startClusterUnitTest
Stop a Collection of Schedulers v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/stopSchedulers
Stop a Collection of Services v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/stopJobs
Stop a Scheduled Job v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/stopjob/{endpoint}
Stop a Scheduler v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/stopScheduler
Stop the Scheduler Engine v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/stop
View aggregate of system v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/view