Execute Multiple Forms v1



Execute multiple EnterpriseOne forms, pass data, and perform actions on each of the forms.


Supported Media Types
Header Parameters
Body ()
Input object for batchformservice.
Root Schema : BatchFormRequest
Type: object
Input object for batchformservice.
Show Source
  • Specify whether alias names should be used for field names. A value of true prevents Data Dictionary overrides from changing the field names.
  • Specify whether cache should be used if available for the transaction.
  • Override the default server Cache Time To Live in milliseconds.
  • An identifier for the device making the service call. If not provided, the requesting IP address is used.
  • For Data Service requests only. A flag to indicate if a next page link will be returned.
  • Specify the environment to use for login. If not specified, the default environment configured for the AIS Server will be used.
  • If cache is enabled, this tells the request to ignore the cache and execute the request.
  • formRequests
    Array of individual form service objects to include in this batch request.
  • Specify whether timing information should be included in the response. The timing information shows how long the formservice/dataservice ran and the total processing time.
  • The HTML (JAS) Server to use for login. If not specified, the default HTML Server configured for the AIS Server will be used.
  • For Data Service requests only. A number in milliseconds for how often records are fetched in the background before the next request is received.
  • Allowed Values: [ "<blank>", "VERSION1", "GRID_DATA", "VERSION2", "ORACLE", "XML", "XMLSIMPLE" ]
    The format of the output. GRID_DATA is the default value.
  • The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne password, which is required if other authentication methods are not being used.
  • Used for logging in with psToken. Primarily used by the HTML Server to establish a session with the AIS Server.
  • The role to use for login. If not specified, the default role configured for the AIS Server will be used.
  • Specify whether to delete the data currently stored in the cache for the request. This does not execute the request. This forces the next execution to fetch from the database.
  • Specify whether action controls such as buttons, row, and form exits should be included in the response.
  • The AIS token, which is required if other authentication methods are not being used.
  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne username, which is required if other authentication methods are not being used.
  • A flag to indicate if UTIME values should be returned in the user preference format and time zone. Only available with GRID_DATA output type.
Nested Schema : formRequests
Type: array
Array of individual form service objects to include in this batch request.
Show Source
Nested Schema : FormRequest
Type: object
The FormRequest class is the expected input class to the jderest/formservice AIS service.
Show Source
  • AggregationInfo
    Provide information about the requested aggregation.
  • Specify whether alias names should be used for field names. A value of true prevents Data Dictionary overrides from changing the field names.
  • Specify whether cache should be used if available for the transaction.
  • A flag to indicate if this is a batch data request (used for data requests only).
  • A flag allowing the caller to indicate if the form service event in FDA ER should execute.
  • Override the default server Cache Time To Live in milliseconds.
  • Used to allow orchestrator to process all rows of a result set
  • An identifier for the device making the service call. If not provided, the requesting IP address is used.
  • Usually business functions called in event rules for form services are executed synchronously. Pass a value of true in this field to execute those asynchronously. (Tools Release +)
  • For Data Service requests only. A flag to indicate if a next page link will be returned.
  • Specify the environment to use for login. If not specified, the default environment configured for the AIS Server will be used.
  • A flag indicating the service should not return summary rows in grids indicated by a sigma character in the row header.
  • Allowed Values: [ "true", "false" ]
    Indicates that the Find button should be pressed.
  • If cache is enabled, this tells the request to ignore the cache and execute the request.
  • formActions
    An array of actions to be performed in a specified order on a particular form.
  • The form data structure values (for example |6001|M30|00007|).
  • The form data structure template (for example |1|2|3|).
  • formInputs
    An array of FIStructure (id,value) pairs for values that should be passed into the form interconnect data structure.
  • The name of the EnterpriseOne application and form with an underscore between (for example P01012_W01012B).
  • A character value of C (Create), R (Read), U (Update) or D (Delete), which can be accessed in FDA Event Rules when the form executes.
  • Allowed Values: [ "true", "false" ]
    Request only a demo version of the form to view all the fields without actual data.
  • Allowed Values: [ "true", "false" ]
    A flag allowing the caller to indicate if the application should not use the FDA setting for find on entry.
  • Specify whether timing information should be included in the response. The timing information shows how long the formservice/dataservice ran and the total processing time.
  • The HTML (JAS) Server to use for login. If not specified, the default HTML Server configured for the AIS Server will be used.
  • Allowed Values: [ "true", "false" ]
    When requesting formServiceDemo (Demo Mode) to prevent event rules execution send a value of true in this field.
  • The maximum number of records that should be returned. The default value is 100. A value of 'No Max' will return all records. This value does not apply to aggregation requests.
  • For Data Service requests only. A number in milliseconds for how often records are fetched in the background before the next request is received.
  • Allowed Values: [ "<blank>", "VERSION1", "GRID_DATA", "VERSION2", "ORACLE", "XML", "XMLSIMPLE" ]
    The format of the output. GRID_DATA is the default value.
  • The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne password, which is required if other authentication methods are not being used.
  • Used for logging in with psToken. Primarily used by the HTML Server to establish a session with the AIS Server.
  • Query
    The query portion of a data service or form service request.
  • The object name of a saved query to be executed on the form.
  • The returnControlIDs string is bar delimited, without a starting or ending bar. Form fields are just a single value. Grid fields are indicated with a grid id, followed by a bracketed list of grid columns. Subform fields are indicated with subform id underscore field id. For example: 33|34|17[24,26,28]|50_45|50_53|50_9[35,39,41].
    Data request fields have two possible formats. There are no form fields so brackets ([]) are not used. For tables use only the field alias (AN8|ALPH). For business views, use table.alias (F4101.ITM|F4101.DSC1).
    Release and later, business views with the same table multiple times use table-instance.alias, you do not need to include instance for the first table (zero) only for instance of 1 or more (F4101.ITM|F4101-1.ITM).
  • The role to use for login. If not specified, the default role configured for the AIS Server will be used.
  • Specify whether to delete the data currently stored in the cache for the request. This does not execute the request. This forces the next execution to fetch from the database.
  • Specify whether action controls such as buttons, row, and form exits should be included in the response.
  • Allowed Values: [ "true", "false" ]
    A flag allowing the caller to indicate if warnings should be ignored or not.
  • The AIS token, which is required if other authentication methods are not being used.
  • A flag indicating the service should run in Turbo Mode, which reduces processing time by not processing unrequested grid columns and associated descriptions in the grid.
  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne username, which is required if other authentication methods are not being used.
  • A flag to indicate if UTIME values should be returned in the user preference format and time zone. Only available with GRID_DATA output type.
  • A list of variable names to correspond to the returnControlIDs. Used by Orchestrator only.
  • The version of the application to execute. If not provided, the default (ZJDE0001) version runs.
Nested Schema : AggregationInfo
Type: object
Provide information about the requested aggregation.
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Nested Schema : formActions
Type: array
An array of actions to be performed in a specified order on a particular form.
Show Source
Nested Schema : formInputs
Type: array
An array of FIStructure (id,value) pairs for values that should be passed into the form interconnect data structure.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Query
Type: object
The query portion of a data service or form service request.
Show Source
Nested Schema : aggregations
Type: array
The list of aggregations requested.
Show Source
Nested Schema : CurrencyProcessing
Type: object
Details for instructing the service to format the results for currency (currency decimals).
Show Source
  • If you would like different currencies in the table to be converted to a single currency, indicate it here. You must have conversion rates in the currency conversion table for the currencies involved.
  • Specify the date to be used for the currency conversion. If not provided, today's date will be used.
  • If not using a specific type of processing, specify a specific currency code to use for formatting.
  • currencyCols
    Specify the columns to be formatted. You only need to add a column here once, even if you have several aggregations over that column. Identify each distinct column to which the currency processing should apply. If you do not identify currency columns here, then currency processing will be applied to all columns identified as currency columns in the data dictionary. A currency column is defined in the data dictionary with class CURRENCY.
  • keyCols
    Specify the columns to be used as the key based on the type of processing. (For example for COMPANY processing, which field in the table will have the company value.)
  • Rounding Mode override.
  • Allowed Values: [ "CO", "CRCD", "MCU", "AID", "LT_CO_CRCD", "LT_CRCD", "STATIC" ]
    The type of currency processing to use.
Nested Schema : groupBy
Type: array
The list of fields to group the results by.
Show Source
Nested Schema : orderBy
Type: array
The list fields to order the results by.
Show Source
Nested Schema : AggregationItem
Type: object
Information provided for the aggregation of a specific column.
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "SUM", "MIN", "MAX", "AVG", "COUNT", "COUNT_DISTINCT", "AVG_DISTINCT", "SUM_DISTINCT" ]
    The aggregation to perform.
  • The column to perform the aggregation over.
  • If this is set the associated description will be returned as part of the group by results.
  • Allowed Values: [ "ASC", "DESC" ]
    If this is a group by, indicate the order.
  • Allowed Values: [ "USER", "CALQTR", "<SimpleDateFormatString>" ]
    If this is a group by for a date field, indicate the simple date format for the dates. The result will be grouped and formated based on the input. 'USER': Uses the EnterpriseOne user's preferred date format. 'CALQTR': Uses the four digit year and one digit quarter format, for example 2020-1. SimpleDateFormat: Uses the simple date format that you supply, such as yyyy-MM-dd.
Nested Schema : currencyCols
Type: array
Specify the columns to be formatted. You only need to add a column here once, even if you have several aggregations over that column. Identify each distinct column to which the currency processing should apply. If you do not identify currency columns here, then currency processing will be applied to all columns identified as currency columns in the data dictionary. A currency column is defined in the data dictionary with class CURRENCY.
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Nested Schema : keyCols
Type: array
Specify the columns to be used as the key based on the type of processing. (For example for COMPANY processing, which field in the table will have the company value.)
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Nested Schema : FSREvent
Type: object
An individual action to perform on a form.
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "SetQBEValue", "SetControlValue", "SetRadioButton", "SetComboValue", "DoAction", "SetCheckboxValue", "SelectRow", "UnSelectRow", "UnSelectAllRows", "SelectAllRows", "ClickGridCell", "ClickGridColumnAggregate", "NextGrid" ]
    The command or action to perform.
  • The control to perform the action on. This a form level object. It is not applicable to individual grid rows.
  • GridAction
    Holds actions to perform on grid rows.
  • The value to use, if the action is to set a value.
Nested Schema : GridAction
Type: object
Holds actions to perform on grid rows.
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Nested Schema : gridRowInsertEvents
Type: array
The list of events for adding grid rows.
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Nested Schema : gridRowUpdateEvents
Type: array
The list of events for updating grid rows.
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Nested Schema : GridRowInsertEvent
Type: object
Contains actions to apply to a newly added grid row.
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Nested Schema : gridColumnEvents
Type: array
The actions to apply to the new grid row.
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Nested Schema : GridColumnEvent
Type: object
Action to be applied to a grid cell.
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  • The control id for the grid column. Pass only the column id here, a single number without separators. The grid must already be identified by including the gridID field at the root of GridAction.
  • Allowed Values: [ "SetGridCellValue", "SetGridComboValue", "ClickGridCell" ]
    The operation to perform on the grid cell.
  • The value to use in the operation.
Nested Schema : GridRowUpdateEvent
Type: object
The actions to apply to an existing grid row.
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Nested Schema : gridColumnEvents
Type: array
The actions to perform on the existing grid row.
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Nested Schema : FIStructure
Type: object
A form interconnect value to send into a form request.
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Nested Schema : complexQuery
Type: array
The array of complex query fragments if this is a compex query.
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Nested Schema : condition
Type: array
The array of complex query fragments if this is a complex query.
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Nested Schema : ComplexQueryFragment
Type: object
The class used to join multiple queries into a complex query.
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Nested Schema : Condition
Type: object
A condition within a query.
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Nested Schema : value
Type: array
The value(s) used for data comparison based on the operation.
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Nested Schema : QueryValue
Type: object
The value used in a query comparison.
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  • The value to be compared if it's a literal, or the value to be used in conjunction with the special value operation.
    The special value id (see allowed values). Specify LITERAL if using the constant value only.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful Execution

400 Response

Bad Request - Invalid JSON Input

403 Response

Authorization Failure

415 Response

Invalid Content-Type Header - Must use application/json

444 Response

Invalid Token
Body ()
Root Schema : ServiceErrorResponse
Type: object
Error Response
Show Source

500 Response

Server Failed to Process Request
Body ()
Root Schema : ServiceErrorResponse
Type: object
Error Response
Show Source
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Example Request

The following shows an example of a batch form service request calling three different forms: W01012B, W0411G and W0801A. The token value is from a prior call to the token request service to establish a session.

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://ais_server_url/jderest/batchformservice -d
  "token": "0448Pf+4aytugDOBJsaGdF6iyKpRaWazb9+GC1ubN4qKDw=MDE5MDA4MTg3MDY5MzQxMDcyODQ1MDAzOU15RGV2aWNlMTQ3ODYzODQ2MTQ2Mg==",    
  "deviceName" : "MyDevice",  
  "aliasNaming" : true,  
  "outputType" : "GRID_DATA",  
  "allowCache" : true,
  "formRequests" : [ {
    "formName" : "P01012_W01012B",
    "returnControlIDs" : "1[19,50]",
    "findOnEntry" : "TRUE",
    "maxPageSize" : "5",
    "bypassFormServiceEREvent" : true,
    "query" : {
      "autoFind" : true,
      "autoClear" : true,
      "condition" : [ {
        "value" : [ {
          "content" : "1001",
          "specialValueId" : "LITERAL"
        } ],
        "controlId" : "1[19]",
        "operator" : "GREATER"
      } ]
  }, {
    "formName" : "P0411_W0411G",
    "findOnEntry" : "TRUE",
    "maxPageSize" : "5",
    "bypassFormServiceEREvent" : true    
  }, {
    "formName" : "P0801_W0801A",
    "findOnEntry" : "TRUE",
    "maxPageSize" : "5",
    "formServiceAction" : "R",
    "bypassFormServiceEREvent" : true    
  } ]

Example Response

The following example shows the contents of the response body.

  "fs_0_P01012_W01012B" : {
    "title" : "Work With Addresses",
    "data" : {
      "gridData" : {
        "columns" : {
          "z_AN8_19" : "Address Number",
          "z_AT1_50" : "Sch Typ"
        "rowset" : [ {
          "z_AT1_50" : "E",
          "z_AN8_19" : 1234
        }, {
          "z_AT1_50" : "C",
          "z_AN8_19" : 1288
        }, {
          "z_AT1_50" : "O",
          "z_AN8_19" : 1500
        }, {
          "z_AT1_50" : "F",
          "z_AN8_19" : 1501
        }, {
          "z_AT1_50" : "T",
          "z_AN8_19" : 1530
        } ],
        "summary" : {
          "records" : 5,
          "moreRecords" : true
    "errors" : [ ],
    "warnings" : [ ]
  "fs_1_P0411_W0411G" : {
    "title" : "Supplier Ledger Inquiry",
    "data" : {
      "gridData" : {
        "columns" : {
          "z_DOC_37" : "Document Number",
          "z_DCT_38" : "Doc Type",
          "z_DL01_403" : "Document Type",
          "z_KCO_39" : "Doc Co",
          "z_DIVJ_40" : "Invoice Date",
          "z_DGJ_27" : "G/L Date",
          "z_DDJ_297" : "Due Date",
          "z_AG_41" : "Gross Amount",
          "z_AAP_42" : "Open Amount",
          "z_ACR_282" : "Foreign Amount",
          "z_FAP_283" : "Foreign Open",
          "z_PST_216" : "Pay Stat",
          "z_DL01_404" : "Pay Status Code",
          "z_AN8_43" : "Supplier Number",
          "z_DL01_405" : "Supplier Number Desc",
          "z_VINV_21" : "Invoice Number",
          "z_CO_144" : "Co",
          "z_ICU_45" : "Batch Number",
          "z_ICUT_46" : "Batch Type",
          "z_DL01_406" : "Batch Type Desc",
          "z_DICJ_47" : "Batch Date",
          "z_ADSC_48" : "Discount Available",
          "z_CDS_284" : "Foreign Disc Available",
          "z_PO_49" : "Purchase Order",
          "z_PDCT_50" : "PO Doc Type",
          "z_DL01_407" : "PO Document Type",
          "z_PKCO_51" : "Doc Co (PO)",
          "z_SFX_52" : "Pay Item",
          "z_SFXE_53" : "Pay Ext",
          "z_POST_212" : "P C",
          "z_CRCD_271" : "Curr Code",
          "z_DRF_229" : "No. Pymts",
          "z_RF_230" : "Recur Freq",
          "z_DL01_408" : "Frequency - Recurring",
          "z_DCTA_262" : "Adjust Doc Type",
          "z_DL01_409" : "Document Type- Adjusting",
          "z_RP3_295" : "Reg Code",
          "z_GLC_365" : "G/L Offset",
          "z_PYWP_373" : "Pay When Paid",
          "z_PWPG_374" : "Pay When Paid Group Number",
          "z_NETTCID_379" : "Netting Transaction ID",
          "z_NETDOC_381" : "Netting Doc Number",
          "z_NETRC5_380" : "Netting Line ID",
          "z_NETST_382" : "Netting Status",
          "z_DL01_410" : "Netting Status Code",
          "z_CNTRTCD_386" : "Contract Code",
          "z_BLSCD2_387" : "Block Code",
          "z_HARPER_388" : "Harvest Period",
          "z_HARSFX_389" : "Harvest Suffix",
          "z_CNTRTID_390" : "Contract ID",
          "z_WVID_391" : "Harvest ID"
        "rowset" : [ {
          "z_PDCT_50" : " ",
          "z_DL01_409" : null,
          "z_PWPG_374" : 0,
          "z_DL01_406" : "Voucher Entry",
          "z_DL01_405" : "Appliance Sales and Service",
          "z_DL01_408" : null,
          "z_DL01_407" : null,
          "z_BLSCD2_387" : " ",
          "z_FAP_283" : 0.0,
          "z_DL01_404" : "Paid in Full",
          "z_POST_212" : "D",
          "z_DIVJ_40" : "20170615",
          "z_DL01_403" : "A/P Drafts",
          "z_PYWP_373" : " ",
          "z_AAP_42" : 0.0,
          "z_HARSFX_389" : " ",
          "z_ICUT_46" : "V",
          "z_CNTRTID_390" : 0,
          "z_DDJ_297" : "20170630",
          "z_ADSC_48" : 4.39,
          "z_RP3_295" : " ",
          "z_SFXE_53" : 0,
          "z_AG_41" : -456.0,
          "z_DOC_37" : 1504,
          "z_AN8_43" : 4319,
          "z_DGJ_27" : "20170630",
          "z_CNTRTCD_386" : " ",
          "z_CDS_284" : 0.0,
          "z_ICU_45" : 7256,
          "z_DICJ_47" : "20161011",
          "z_HARPER_388" : " ",
          "z_DL01_410" : "Ineligible for Netting",
          "z_DRF_229" : 0,
          "z_PST_216" : "P",
          "z_WVID_391" : 0,
          "z_GLC_365" : " ",
          "z_PO_49" : " ",
          "z_CO_144" : "00001",
          "z_SFX_52" : "001",
          "z_NETST_382" : "0",
          "z_NETTCID_379" : 0,
          "z_NETDOC_381" : 0,
          "z_NETRC5_380" : 0,
          "z_CRCD_271" : "USD",
          "z_DCT_38" : "P1",
          "z_PKCO_51" : " ",
          "z_ACR_282" : 0.0,
          "z_DCTA_262" : " ",
          "z_KCO_39" : "00001",
          "z_RF_230" : " ",
          "z_VINV_21" : " "
        }, {
          "z_PDCT_50" : " ",
          "z_DL01_409" : null,
          "z_PWPG_374" : 0,
          "z_DL01_406" : "Voucher Entry",
          "z_DL01_405" : "Allen Supplies",
          "z_DL01_408" : null,
          "z_DL01_407" : null,
          "z_BLSCD2_387" : " ",
          "z_FAP_283" : 0.0,
          "z_DL01_404" : "Payment In Process",
          "z_POST_212" : "D",
          "z_DIVJ_40" : "20170606",
          "z_DL01_403" : "Voucher",
          "z_PYWP_373" : " ",
          "z_AAP_42" : 35.0,
          "z_HARSFX_389" : " ",
          "z_ICUT_46" : "V",
          "z_CNTRTID_390" : 0,
          "z_DDJ_297" : "20170706",
          "z_ADSC_48" : 0.0,
          "z_RP3_295" : " ",
          "z_SFXE_53" : 0,
          "z_AG_41" : 35.0,
          "z_DOC_37" : 1562,
          "z_AN8_43" : 4360,
          "z_DGJ_27" : "20170630",
          "z_CNTRTCD_386" : " ",
          "z_CDS_284" : 0.0,
          "z_ICU_45" : 5831,
          "z_DICJ_47" : "20120720",
          "z_HARPER_388" : " ",
          "z_DL01_410" : null,
          "z_DRF_229" : 0,
          "z_PST_216" : "#",
          "z_WVID_391" : 0,
          "z_GLC_365" : " ",
          "z_PO_49" : " ",
          "z_CO_144" : "00001",
          "z_SFX_52" : "001",
          "z_NETST_382" : " ",
          "z_NETTCID_379" : 0,
          "z_NETDOC_381" : 0,
          "z_NETRC5_380" : 0,
          "z_CRCD_271" : "USD",
          "z_DCT_38" : "PV",
          "z_PKCO_51" : " ",
          "z_ACR_282" : 0.0,
          "z_DCTA_262" : " ",
          "z_KCO_39" : "00001",
          "z_RF_230" : " ",
          "z_VINV_21" : "AS5104"
        }, {
          "z_PDCT_50" : " ",
          "z_DL01_409" : null,
          "z_PWPG_374" : 0,
          "z_DL01_406" : "Voucher Entry",
          "z_DL01_405" : "Universal Incorporated",
          "z_DL01_408" : null,
          "z_DL01_407" : null,
          "z_BLSCD2_387" : " ",
          "z_FAP_283" : 0.0,
          "z_DL01_404" : "Payment In Process",
          "z_POST_212" : "D",
          "z_DIVJ_40" : "20170605",
          "z_DL01_403" : "Voucher",
          "z_PYWP_373" : " ",
          "z_AAP_42" : 1500.0,
          "z_HARSFX_389" : " ",
          "z_ICUT_46" : "V",
          "z_CNTRTID_390" : 0,
          "z_DDJ_297" : "20170615",
          "z_ADSC_48" : 15.0,
          "z_RP3_295" : " ",
          "z_SFXE_53" : 0,
          "z_AG_41" : 1500.0,
          "z_DOC_37" : 1564,
          "z_AN8_43" : 4344,
          "z_DGJ_27" : "20170630",
          "z_CNTRTCD_386" : " ",
          "z_CDS_284" : 0.0,
          "z_ICU_45" : 1028,
          "z_DICJ_47" : "20090402",
          "z_HARPER_388" : " ",
          "z_DL01_410" : null,
          "z_DRF_229" : 0,
          "z_PST_216" : "#",
          "z_WVID_391" : 0,
          "z_GLC_365" : " ",
          "z_PO_49" : " ",
          "z_CO_144" : "00001",
          "z_SFX_52" : "001",
          "z_NETST_382" : " ",
          "z_NETTCID_379" : 0,
          "z_NETDOC_381" : 0,
          "z_NETRC5_380" : 0,
          "z_CRCD_271" : "USD",
          "z_DCT_38" : "PV",
          "z_PKCO_51" : " ",
          "z_ACR_282" : 0.0,
          "z_DCTA_262" : " ",
          "z_KCO_39" : "00001",
          "z_RF_230" : " ",
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        }, {
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          "z_DL01_409" : null,
          "z_PWPG_374" : 0,
          "z_DL01_406" : "Voucher Entry",
          "z_DL01_405" : "Universal Incorporated",
          "z_DL01_408" : null,
          "z_DL01_407" : null,
          "z_BLSCD2_387" : " ",
          "z_FAP_283" : 0.0,
          "z_DL01_404" : "Payment In Process",
          "z_POST_212" : "D",
          "z_DIVJ_40" : "20170615",
          "z_DL01_403" : "Voucher",
          "z_PYWP_373" : " ",
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          "z_SFXE_53" : 0,
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          "z_AN8_43" : 4344,
          "z_DGJ_27" : "20170630",
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          "z_PO_49" : " ",
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          "z_NETTCID_379" : 0,
          "z_NETDOC_381" : 0,
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          "z_DCT_38" : "PV",
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          "z_DL01_409" : null,
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          "z_DL01_405" : "Universal Incorporated",
          "z_DL01_408" : null,
          "z_DL01_407" : null,
          "z_BLSCD2_387" : " ",
          "z_FAP_283" : 0.0,
          "z_DL01_404" : "Payment In Process",
          "z_POST_212" : "D",
          "z_DIVJ_40" : "20170615",
          "z_DL01_403" : "Voucher",
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          "z_AAP_42" : 2500.0,
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          "z_ICUT_46" : "V",
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          "z_ADSC_48" : 0.0,
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          "z_SFXE_53" : 0,
          "z_AG_41" : 2500.0,
          "z_DOC_37" : 1565,
          "z_AN8_43" : 4344,
          "z_DGJ_27" : "20170630",
          "z_CNTRTCD_386" : " ",
          "z_CDS_284" : 0.0,
          "z_ICU_45" : 1028,
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          "z_DL01_410" : null,
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          "z_WVID_391" : 0,
          "z_GLC_365" : " ",
          "z_PO_49" : " ",
          "z_CO_144" : "00001",
          "z_SFX_52" : "002",
          "z_NETST_382" : " ",
          "z_NETTCID_379" : 0,
          "z_NETDOC_381" : 0,
          "z_NETRC5_380" : 0,
          "z_CRCD_271" : "USD",
          "z_DCT_38" : "PV",
          "z_PKCO_51" : " ",
          "z_ACR_282" : 0.0,
          "z_DCTA_262" : " ",
          "z_KCO_39" : "00001",
          "z_RF_230" : " ",
          "z_VINV_21" : "G9874"
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    "errors" : [ ],
    "warnings" : [ ]
  "fs_2_P0801_W0801A" : {
    "title" : "Work With Employee Information",
    "data" : {
      "gridData" : {
        "columns" : {
          "z_AN8_14" : "Employee No",
          "z_ALPH_15" : "Alpha Name",
          "z_HMCO_24" : "Home Company",
          "z_DL01_642" : "Home Company  Desc",
          "z_HMCU_25" : "Home Business Unit",
          "z_DL01_643" : "Home BU Desc",
          "z_SSN_477" : "Employee  Tax ID",
          "z_OEMP_443" : "Alternate  Number",
          "z_DST_409" : "Date Started",
          "z_DT_407" : "Termination    Date",
          "z_PAST_442" : "Pay Status",
          "z_DL01_644" : "Pay Status Desc",
          "z_TARR_625" : "Res. Tax Area",
          "z_DL01_645" : "Res. Tax Area Desc",
          "z_CCPR_562" : "Ctry"
        "rowset" : [ {
          "z_DST_409" : "20170215",
          "z_SSN_477" : "523785321",
          "z_TARR_625" : "06",
          "z_AN8_14" : 2006,
          "z_PAST_442" : "0",
          "z_DL01_644" : "Active",
          "z_DT_407" : null,
          "z_DL01_643" : "Corporate Administration",
          "z_HMCO_24" : "00001",
          "z_DL01_645" : "FUTA",
          "z_ALPH_15" : "AIS APP Stack TEST stack2",
          "z_HMCU_25" : "           9",
          "z_OEMP_443" : " ",
          "z_DL01_642" : "Financial/Distribution Company",
          "z_CCPR_562" : "US"
        }, {
          "z_DST_409" : "20110410",
          "z_SSN_477" : "476438269",
          "z_TARR_625" : "06",
          "z_AN8_14" : 6002,
          "z_PAST_442" : "0",
          "z_DL01_644" : "Active",
          "z_DT_407" : null,
          "z_DL01_643" : "Corporate Administration",
          "z_HMCO_24" : "00001",
          "z_DL01_645" : "FUTA",
          "z_ALPH_15" : "Abbott, Dominique",
          "z_HMCU_25" : "           9",
          "z_OEMP_443" : " ",
          "z_DL01_642" : "Financial/Distribution Company",
          "z_CCPR_562" : "US"
        }, {
          "z_DST_409" : "20100418",
          "z_SSN_477" : "604460446",
          "z_TARR_625" : "06",
          "z_AN8_14" : 6044,
          "z_PAST_442" : "U",
          "z_DL01_644" : "Unpaid Leave of Absence",
          "z_DT_407" : null,
          "z_DL01_643" : "Corporate Administration",
          "z_HMCO_24" : "00001",
          "z_DL01_645" : "FUTA",
          "z_ALPH_15" : "Abrams, Brooke",
          "z_HMCU_25" : "           9",
          "z_OEMP_443" : " ",
          "z_DL01_642" : "Financial/Distribution Company",
          "z_CCPR_562" : "US"
        }, {
          "z_DST_409" : "20170302",
          "z_SSN_477" : "607860786",
          "z_TARR_625" : "06",
          "z_AN8_14" : 6078,
          "z_PAST_442" : "0",
          "z_DL01_644" : "Active",
          "z_DT_407" : null,
          "z_DL01_643" : "Corporate Administration",
          "z_HMCO_24" : "00001",
          "z_DL01_645" : "FUTA",
          "z_ALPH_15" : "Aiken, Gwen",
          "z_HMCU_25" : "           9",
          "z_OEMP_443" : " ",
          "z_DL01_642" : "Financial/Distribution Company",
          "z_CCPR_562" : "US"
        }, {
          "z_DST_409" : "20130101",
          "z_SSN_477" : "827462343",
          "z_TARR_625" : "06",
          "z_AN8_14" : 8985155,
          "z_PAST_442" : "0",
          "z_DL01_644" : "Active",
          "z_DT_407" : null,
          "z_DL01_643" : "Manufacturing/Distribution CO",
          "z_HMCO_24" : "00200",
          "z_DL01_645" : "FUTA",
          "z_ALPH_15" : "Allan, Murray",
          "z_HMCU_25" : "         200",
          "z_OEMP_443" : " ",
          "z_DL01_642" : "Manufacturing/Distribution Co.",
          "z_CCPR_562" : "US"
        } ],
        "summary" : {
          "records" : 5,
          "moreRecords" : true
    "errors" : [ ],
    "warnings" : [ ]

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