Get Configuration v1



Get AIS Server configuration information and available capabilities.


Query Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful Execution
Body ()
Root Schema : DefaultConfig
Type: object
Response Object for Default Config Service.
Show Source
Nested Schema : capabilityList
Type: array
The list of capabilities of this AIS Server.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Capability
Type: object
Information about an individual capability.
Show Source

415 Response

Invalid Content-Type Header - Must use application/json

500 Response

Server Failed to Process Request
Body ()
Root Schema : ServiceErrorResponse
Type: object
Error Response
Show Source
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Example Request

The following shows an example of a default config request. The default configurations currently on the AIS Server are returned in the response.

curl -i -X GET -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://ais_server_url/jderest/defaultconfig/

Example Response

The following example shows the contents of the response body.

    "jasHost": "aishost",
    "jasPort": "7552",
    "jasProtocol": "http",
    "defaultEnvironment": "JDV920",
    "defaultRole": "*ALL",
    "displayEnvironment": true,
    "displayRole": true,
    "displayJasServer": true,
    "defaultJasServer": "http://jashost:7552",
    "ssoAllowed": true,
    "sessionTimeout": "20",
    "timeToLive": "720",
    "aisVersion": "EnterpriseOne",
    "capabilityList": [
            "name": "grid",
            "shortDescription": "Grid Actions",
            "longDescription": "Ability to update, insert and delete grid records.",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "editable",
            "shortDescription": "Enabled/Disabled",
            "longDescription": "Ability to indicate if form field or grid cell is editable (enabled) or not (disabled).",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "log",
            "shortDescription": "Logging",
            "longDescription": "Endpoint exposed for logging to AIS Server log from client",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "processingOption",
            "shortDescription": "Processing Options",
            "longDescription": "Processing Option Service exposed for fetching PO values from E1",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "ignoreFDAFindOnEntry",
            "shortDescription": "Ignore FDA Find On Entry",
            "longDescription": "Ability to use the IgnoreFDAFindOnEntry flag",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "selectAllGridRows",
            "shortDescription": "Select or Unselect All Grid Rows",
            "longDescription": "Ability to use select and unselect all grid rows, or unselect a single row in an action event",
            "asOfRelease": "9.1.5",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "applicationStack",
            "shortDescription": "Operations on a Stack of E1 Applications",
            "longDescription": "Ability to maintain a stack of open E1 applications and operate forms that are called",
            "asOfRelease": "9.1.5",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "thumbnailSize",
            "shortDescription": "Specify desired thumbnail size for MO List",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request a specific sized thumbnail images in a Media Object List Request",
            "asOfRelease": "9.1.5",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "gridCellClick",
            "shortDescription": "Click Grid Cell Hyperlink",
            "longDescription": "Ability to use GridCellClick event, to execute hyperlink in grid",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "query",
            "shortDescription": "Query",
            "longDescription": "Ability to use Query on forms that support it",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "taskAuthorization",
            "shortDescription": "Task Authorization",
            "longDescription": "Ability to Receive a list of authorized tasks based on either a task view id or the task id and parent id with in a task view.",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "urlMediaObjects",
            "shortDescription": "URL Media Objects",
            "longDescription": "Ability to view, add or delete URL type media objects",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "jargon",
            "shortDescription": "Data Item Jargon Service",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request data item descriptions based on users language and jargon (system) code",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "aliasNaming",
            "shortDescription": "Alias Naming",
            "longDescription": "Ability receive form service responses with fields named by Data Dictionary alias",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "orchestrator",
            "shortDescription": "Orchestrator",
            "longDescription": "Ability process multiple service requests, rules, cross references in a single call based on defined orchestration metadata",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "basicAuth",
            "shortDescription": "Basic Authorization",
            "longDescription": "Ability receive basic authorization credentials for the token request service",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "oAuth",
            "shortDescription": "OAM OAuth 2-Legged",
            "longDescription": "Ability support 2-Legged OAM oAuth flow and validate OAM Access Tokens supplied by a client",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "dataservice",
            "shortDescription": "Data Service",
            "longDescription": "Ability to execute queries directly against tables and views",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "actionControls",
            "shortDescription": "Show Action Controls",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request that action controls are returned in the form service response",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "aggColumnClick",
            "shortDescription": "Click Grid Column Aggregate",
            "longDescription": "Ability to send an event to click the aggregation icon on a grid column",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "dataServiceAggregation",
            "shortDescription": "Data Service Aggregation",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request aggregation of the data in a data service call",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "outputType",
            "shortDescription": "Output Type",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request different output format for form service or data service responses",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "preferenceService",
            "shortDescription": "Preference Service",
            "longDescription": "Ability to save and retrieve preference values by user",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "orchestrationDiscovery",
            "shortDescription": "Orchestration Discovery",
            "longDescription": "Ability to discover available orchestrations",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "queryObjectName",
            "shortDescription": "Query Object Name",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request an existing query to be used for a FormService or DataService request",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "watchlist",
            "shortDescription": "Watchlist",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request an existing Watchlist value",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "aggregationCurrencyDecimals",
            "shortDescription": "Aggregation Currency Decimals",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request aggregation of currency columns and apply currency processing for decimals on aggregated data",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "dataServiceOrderBy",
            "shortDescription": "Data Service Browse Order By",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request columns to order by for browse type data service requests",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "availableQueries",
            "shortDescription": "List Available Saved Queries",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request the list of available saved queries for an form, table or view",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "complexQuery",
            "shortDescription": "Complex Query",
            "longDescription": "Ability to specify a complex ad hoc query, several combined queries",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "dateGroupSpecialHandling",
            "shortDescription": "Date Group By Special Handling",
            "longDescription": "Ability to specify the date format returned for aggregations grouped by date columns",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "asIfCurrency",
            "shortDescription": "As If Currency",
            "longDescription": "Ability to specify a single currency for all values returned in an aggregation with currency decimal processing",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "queryDetails",
            "shortDescription": "User Defined Query Details",
            "longDescription": "Ability to get the details of an individual user defined query",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "applicationQueryInDataService",
            "shortDescription": "Application Query in Data Service",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request an existing query defined for a form, to be used in a data service request over the same view as the form",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "queryCombining",
            "shortDescription": "Combine Saved and Ad Hoc Query",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request both a saved query and an ad hoc query be combined with an AND to filter data for a form service or data service request",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "queryAggegration",
            "shortDescription": "Use Saved Query in Aggregation",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request filtering of data with a saved query for an aggregation data request",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "turboMode",
            "shortDescription": "Turbo Mode",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request optimized grid processing in form service request, where only the requested columns are processed",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "timings",
            "shortDescription": "Request Timing Information",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request timing information for form service and data service processing times",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "availableWatchlists",
            "shortDescription": "List Available Watchlists",
            "longDescription": "Ability to request the list of available watchlists for a user",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
            "name": "readCaching",
            "shortDescription": "Cache Read Responses",
            "longDescription": "Ability to cache responses of Data Requests and Read Form Service Requests",
            "asOfRelease": "",
            "sinceVersion": null
    "requiredCapabilityMissing": false,
    "keepJasSessionOpen": true,
    "disconnectedTimeout": "12",
    "isRunningInWLS": true,
    "readCachTTL": 60000,
    "defaultCachingOn": true,
    "deprecated": true
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