Simple View Query v2



Execute simple queries over EnterpriseOne business views.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Allow the response to be cached for faster subsequent fetches.
  • EnterpriseOne environment, if not using a default environment
  • Collection Format: multi
    A list of fields to be returned in the response (for example F0101.AN8)
  • Collection Format: multi
    A list of filters to be applied to fields. The format of each filter is: field name[space]operator[space]value (for example, F0101.AN8 EQ 6001 -- this would return the record with Address Number equal to 6001).
    Release and later, to use a special date value in the filter the format is: field name[space]operator[space]value[space]special date value (for example, F0101.UPMJ EQ 5 TODAY_MINUS_DAY -- this would return records with date values for five days ago).
    Allowed operators: EQ, NE, STARTSWITH, ENDSWITH, CONTAINS, LT, LE, GT, GE.
  • Filter type, MATCH_ALL or MATCH_ANY of the filters passed in.
  • Maximum number of records to return.
  • Output Format Type for Data Services.
    Allowed Values: [ "GRID_DATA", "ORACLE", "XML", "XMLSIMPLE" ]
  • EnterpriseOne password, if not using an established session
  • EnterpriseOne role, if not using a default role
  • Collection Format: multi
    List of sort orders for each field, - is descending, + is ascending (for example -F0101.AN8 or +F0101.AN8).
  • The AIS token, use if you have already established a session.
  • EnterpriseOne userid, if not using an established session
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful Execution

400 Response

Bad Request - Invalid JSON Input

403 Response

Authorization Failure

415 Response

Invalid Content-Type Header - Must use application/json

500 Response

Server Failed to Process Request
Body ()
Root Schema : ServiceErrorResponse
Type: object
Error Response
Show Source
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Example Simple Get View Output

The following shows an example of a simple Get data request that enables you to quickly get data when no special logic is required. Pass the username and password or token in request parameters, or you can pass Basic Auth or JWT Auth headers for authorization. For caching, you must use a token.

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Basic SkRFOkpERQ==" "http://ais_server_url/jderest/v2/dataservice/view/V0101E?$sort=F0101.AT1&$sort=-F0101.AN8&$filter=F0101.AN8 GE 6001&$limit=5&$field=F0101.ALPH&$field=F0101.AN8"

Example Response Simple Get Output

The following example shows the contents of the response body.

    "fs_DATABROWSE_V0101E": {
        "title": "Data Browser - V0101E [Address Book Update]",
        "data": {
            "gridData": {
                "id": 54,
                "fullGridId": "54",
                "columns": {
                    "F0101_AN8": "Address Number",
                    "F0101_ALPH": "Alpha Name",
                    "F0101_AT1": "Sch Typ"
                "rowset": [
                        "F0101_AT1": "A",
                        "F0101_AN8": 10114,
                        "F0101_ALPH": "Hilsenbeck, Darrin"
                        "F0101_AT1": "A",
                        "F0101_AN8": 10113,
                        "F0101_ALPH": "Shipley, Terri"
                        "F0101_AT1": "A",
                        "F0101_AN8": 10112,
                        "F0101_ALPH": "Harris, Eric"
                        "F0101_AT1": "A",
                        "F0101_AN8": 10111,
                        "F0101_ALPH": "Smith, Robert"
                        "F0101_AT1": "A",
                        "F0101_AN8": 10110,
                        "F0101_ALPH": "Stover, Kendra"
                "summary": {
                    "records": 5,
                    "moreRecords": true
        "errors": [],
        "warnings": []
    "stackId": 1,
    "stateId": 1,
    "rid": "6fd21fb264f9d965",
    "currentApp": "DATABROWSE_V0101E",
    "timeStamp": "2017-02-09:20.36.02",
    "sysErrors": [],
    "totalMS": 633,
    "renderMS": 5
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