Send Messages v2



Sends an EnterpriseOne message (PPAT) to external email systems or the EnterpriseOne Work Center email system.


Supported Media Types
Header Parameters
Body ()
The input to the message service that sends JD Edwards messages.
Root Schema : MessageRequest
Type: object
The input to the message service that sends JD Edwards messages.
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  • An identifier for the device making the service call. If not provided, the requesting IP address is used.
  • Specify the environment to use for login. If not specified, the default environment configured for the AIS Server will be used.
  • The HTML (JAS) Server to use for login. If not specified, the default HTML Server configured for the AIS Server will be used.
  • SendMessageDetails
    Container for the details of the message.
  • The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne password, which is required if other authentication methods are not being used.
  • Used for logging in with psToken. Primarily used by the HTML Server to establish a session with the AIS Server.
  • The role to use for login. If not specified, the default role configured for the AIS Server will be used.
  • The AIS token, which is required if other authentication methods are not being used.
  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne username, which is required if other authentication methods are not being used.
Nested Schema : SendMessageDetails
Type: object
Container for the details of the message.
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Nested Schema : SendMessageExtended
Type: object
Detail of the message to send including recipients and the content of the message.
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Nested Schema : Attachments
Type: object
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Nested Schema : Receiver
Type: object
Details of entity to recieve the message.
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Nested Schema : MoreActions
Type: object
Additional applicaiton links to append to the message.
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Nested Schema : Services
Type: object
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Nested Schema : Shortcut
Type: object
Use this area to define an EnterpriseOne application shortcut to be included in the message.
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Nested Schema : Template
Type: object
Container for the details of a text substitution message to be included in the main message.
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Nested Schema : attachment
Type: array
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Nested Schema : Attachment
Type: object
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  • For media object attachments the bar delimited key.
  • For media object attachments the GT structure of the media object. Populating this value indicates you want Media Object type attachments.
  • For Report attachments the job number.
  • Allowed Values: [ "AR-Arabic", "CS-Czech", "DA-Danish", "DE-German", "EL-Greek", "EN-English", "ES-Spanish", "FI-Finnish", "FR-French", "HU-Hungarian", "IT-Italian", "JA-Japanese", "KO-Korean", "NL-Dutch", "NO-Norwegian", "PL-Polish", "PT-Portuguese", "RU-Russian", "SV-Swedish", "TR-Turkish", "ZH-Chinese" ]
    For BI report attachments the two letter language code for the report to attach, 'EN' is the default.
  • Allowed Values: [ "PDF", "ETEXT", "HTML", "EXCEL", "XML", "RTF", "PPT" ]
    For report attachments the file type to attach.
  • For report attachments the report name, R01234 for example.
  • For media object attachments the sequence number of the single media object. Send sequence of 0 (zero) to attach all for this key.
  • For Report attachments the execution server for the job.
  • Allowed Values: [ "ube", "mo" ]
    Type of attachment, report (ube) is the default, or media object (mo).
Nested Schema : recipient
Type: array
Container for the details of the recipients. Currently, only one recipient is supported.
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Nested Schema : Recipient
Type: object
A recipient of the message (in the to, cc, or bcc field).
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  • An EnterpriseOne address number. This can be used directly as the recipient (ADDRESS_NUMBER) or it can be used in conjunction with contact number (CONTACT) or in conjunction with structure type (DISTRIBUTION)
  • The line id of the Who's Who contact related to the address number given. Used in CONTACT type recipients.
  • A fully qualified e-mail address. Used for EMAIL type recipients.
    The type of the receipient. This field determines which of the other input fields will be used.
  • The structure type (P0150) associated with the given address number as the parent of the structure. Used in DISTRIBUTION type recipients.
Nested Schema : shortcut
Type: array
List of additional application links.
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Nested Schema : service
Type: array
A list of service links to include in the message.
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Nested Schema : Service
Type: object
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Nested Schema : serviceParameter
Type: array
A list parameters to include in the service link in the message.
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Nested Schema : TaskTracking
Type: object
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Nested Schema : ServiceParameter
Type: object
Use this area to define additional parameters to the application shortcut
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Nested Schema : trackingStatuses
Type: array
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Nested Schema : FormInterconnect
Type: object
Used to pass form interconnect values to a shortcut included in a message.
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Nested Schema : serviceParameter
Type: array
Additional parameters to append to the shortcut link that launches the application.
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Nested Schema : formInputs
Type: array
List of data structure mappings for form interconnects.
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  • FormInput
    Used if the message contains a shortcut link, including mappings here will allow you to pass values to the application that is launched with the shortcut.
Nested Schema : FormInput
Type: object
Used if the message contains a shortcut link, including mappings here will allow you to pass values to the application that is launched with the shortcut.
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Nested Schema : parameter
Type: array
A list of parameters to set values for the text substitution elements.
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Nested Schema : Parameter
Type: object
Details of the parameter to substitute in a text substitution message.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful Execution

400 Response

Bad Request - Invalid JSON Input

403 Response

Authorization Failure

415 Response

Invalid Content-Type Header - Must use application/json

444 Response

Invalid Token
Body ()
Root Schema : ServiceErrorResponse
Type: object
Error Response
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500 Response

Server Failed to Process Request
Body ()
Root Schema : ServiceErrorResponse
Type: object
Error Response
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Example Request

The following shows an example of a message service request to send a message with all three recipients (to, cc, bcc). The 'to' is a distribution list, structure EML, parent 6001. The 'cc' is a contact, for address book 6001, contact 1. The 'bcc' is an email, with an SMPT email address. It has a subject and body text, it includes a text substitution message (template) as well as a shortcut link to a E1 application passing form interconnect values.

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://ais_server_url/jderest/v2/message/ -d
    "token": "044cM+78v6mYfVHcv8oT1tYRHoBtkPjNLQLdq1p13mh41c=MDE5MDEzMjgyOTAwNDcxMDE4NDk4OTk5NjEwLjEzOS4xMTUuNTUxNDg1Mjc4NDYwNzA5",
    "messageDetails": {
        "send_message_ext": {
            "to": {
                "recipient": [
                        "recipient_type": "DISTRIBUTION",
                        "address_number": 6001,
                        "structure_type": "EML"
            "cc": {
                "recipient": [
                        "recipient_type": "CONTACT",
                        "address_number": 6001,
                        "contact_number": 1
            "bcc": {
                "recipient": [
                        "recipient_type": "EMAIL",
                        "email_address": ""
            "mailbox": "",
            "subject": "Test JSON Input SoapUI",
            "message_text": "Test SoapUI Json Input Body",
            "template": {
                "dictionary_item": "LM0820",
                "parameter": [
                        "index": 0,
                        "value": "Sub One"
                        "index": 1,
                        "value": "Sub Two"
            "shortcut": {
                "application": "P01012",
                "form_name": "W01012A",
                "version": "ZJDE0001",
                "formInterconnect": {
                    "data_structure_template": "W01012A",
                    "formInputs": [
                            "id": "12",
                            "value": "4803"
                            "id": "13",
                            "value": "E"
                            "id": "14",
                            "value": "1.00"


Example Response

The following example shows the contents of the response body.

{"success": true}
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