Discover Details of a Report v2



Discover the processing option, data selection, and data sequencing for a report.


Supported Media Types
Header Parameters
Body ()
The input to the report service.
Root Schema : LaunchUBERequest
Type: object
The input to the report service.
Show Source
  • biReportDeliveryTypes
    A list of delivery methods to use for an embedded BI Publisher report. You must also specify at least one biReportOutputType for this input value to take effect.
    Allowed values: PRINT - Print, EMAILA - Address Book Number Email, EMAILE - Email Address in Definition,EMAILD - Data Driven Email
  • biReportLanguages
    A list of languages to produce for an embedded BI Publisher report. You must also specify at least one biReportOutputType for this input value to take effect.
    You can use any of the EnterpriseOne supported language codes for this report or special values *ALL - All Langages, or USRPF - Current Users Langauge
  • biReportOutputTypes
    A list of outputs to produce for an embedded BI Publisher report. You must specify at least one value to be able to send delivery types or languages.
    Allowed output types: PDF, RTF, XML, HTML, EXCEL, ETEXT, PPT
  • DataSelection
    Populate this input object to override data selection for this execution of the report.
  • DataSequence
    Populate this input object to override data sequence for this execution of the report.
  • An identifier for the device making the service call. If not provided, the requesting IP address is used.
  • Specify the environment to use for login. If not specified, the default environment configured for the AIS Server will be used.
  • Specify if this report request should run synchronously or if it should run asynchronously (fire and forget). A value of 'true' will run the report request asynchronously.
  • The HTML (JAS) Server to use for login. If not specified, the default HTML Server configured for the AIS Server will be used.
  • A true value will produce a JDE log and a JDEDEBUG log for the report.
  • A true value will produce a JDE log for the report.
  • Allowed Values: [ "FTP" ]
    Complete if the report output will be sent to a third-party location.
  • The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne password, which is required if other authentication methods are not being used.
  • The directory on a third-party FTP server where you want the output to be sent.
  • poValues
    A set of processing option IDs and their values to use during report execution. You may either supply report interconnect values or processing option values, not both.
  • PrintOptions
    Used to override the print options for a report.
  • Used for logging in with psToken. Primarily used by the HTML Server to establish a session with the AIS Server.
  • Specify a queue name to send to a diffrent job queue.
  • A integer value of 0-6 to specify the level of logging in the JDEDEBUG log. Any value greater than zero will force the system to write both the JDE and JDEDEBUG logs.
  • The name of the report to execute, for example R014021.
  • The version of the report to execute, for example XJDE0001. If a version is not provided, the default version of XJDE0001 will be used.
  • riValues
    The report interconnect values to be used during report execution. You may either supply report interconnect values or processing option values, not both. Dates must be in yyyyMMdd format. Utime Fields must be in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ format.
  • The role to use for login. If not specified, the default role configured for the AIS Server will be used.
  • Specify the soft coding record to identify the third-party system.
  • The AIS token, which is required if other authentication methods are not being used.
  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne username, which is required if other authentication methods are not being used.
  • The Override Version if defined
  • Allowed Values: [ "PDF", "CSV", "OSA" ]
    Specify the output to send to the third-party system.
Nested Schema : biReportDeliveryTypes
Type: array
A list of delivery methods to use for an embedded BI Publisher report. You must also specify at least one biReportOutputType for this input value to take effect.
Allowed values: PRINT - Print, EMAILA - Address Book Number Email, EMAILE - Email Address in Definition,EMAILD - Data Driven Email
Show Source
Nested Schema : biReportLanguages
Type: array
A list of languages to produce for an embedded BI Publisher report. You must also specify at least one biReportOutputType for this input value to take effect.
You can use any of the EnterpriseOne supported language codes for this report or special values *ALL - All Langages, or USRPF - Current Users Langauge
Show Source
Nested Schema : biReportOutputTypes
Type: array
A list of outputs to produce for an embedded BI Publisher report. You must specify at least one value to be able to send delivery types or languages.
Allowed output types: PDF, RTF, XML, HTML, EXCEL, ETEXT, PPT
Show Source
Nested Schema : DataSelection
Type: object
Populate this input object to override data selection for this execution of the report.
Show Source
Nested Schema : DataSequence
Type: object
Populate this input object to override data sequence for this execution of the report.
Show Source
Nested Schema : poValues
Type: array
A set of processing option IDs and their values to use during report execution. You may either supply report interconnect values or processing option values, not both.
Show Source
Nested Schema : PrintOptions
Type: object
Used to override the print options for a report.
Show Source
Nested Schema : riValues
Type: array
The report interconnect values to be used during report execution. You may either supply report interconnect values or processing option values, not both. Dates must be in yyyyMMdd format. Utime Fields must be in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ format.
Show Source
Nested Schema : criteria
Type: array
The data selection criteria.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Criterion
Type: object
A criterion for data selection of a report.
Show Source
    The method used to compare the subject and predicate in this criterion.
  • Allowed Values: [ "OR", "AND" ]
    The operator to use in conjuntion with other criterion in the criteria set (if there are other critrion).
  • SelectionValue
    The field or value to use as the subject or predicate in a data selection criterion.
  • SelectionValue
    The field or value to use as the subject or predicate in a data selection criterion.
Nested Schema : SelectionValue
Type: object
The field or value to use as the subject or predicate in a data selection criterion.
Show Source
Nested Schema : values
Type: array
The single, list, or range or literal values
Show Source
Nested Schema : orderByColumns
Type: array
The data sequence columns and order direction
Show Source
Nested Schema : OrderByColumn
Type: object
A column to include in data secquence along with it's sequencing properties.
Show Source
Nested Schema : POValue
Type: object
A processing option value to use for this execution of the report.
Show Source
  • The ID of the processing option value to set, defined in the processing option template. For date values the date must be in yyyyMMdd format, for example 20190512.
  • The value to use for the processing option with the associated id.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful Execution
Body ()
Root Schema : UBEProcessingResponse
Type: object
Details of the status of the report.
Show Source
Nested Schema : xmlpOutputDefinitions
Type: array
A list of all outputs from an XMLP job.
Show Source
Nested Schema : XmlpOutputDefinition
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

Bad Request - Invalid JSON Input

403 Response

Authorization Failure

415 Response

Invalid Content-Type Header - Must use application/json

444 Response

Invalid Token
Body ()
Root Schema : ServiceErrorResponse
Type: object
Error Response
Show Source

500 Response

Server Failed to Process Request
Body ()
Root Schema : ServiceErrorResponse
Type: object
Error Response
Show Source
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Example Request

The following shows an example of a discover report request to view details of an existing report version. The token value is from a prior call to the tokenrequest service to establish a session.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://ais_server_url/jderest/v2/report/discover -d
	"token": "0449pMVIJy1icXVEfVGFSoFqgOevhbVx5Cam4mSeoim6x8=MDE5MDEzNzMyMzA2NjE5NDYyMjc5OTEyMzEwLjEzOS4xMTAuMzgxNTA5NjM1MjE3NzUy",
	"reportName": "R064011",
	"reportVersion": "XJDE0001"

Example Response

The following example shows the contents of the response body.

   "reportName": "R064011",
   "reportVersion": "STARTDATES",
   "dataSelection": {"criteria": [   {
      "subject":       {
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "DST",
         "table": "F060116"
      "comparisonType": "VALUE_IN_LIST",
      "predicate":       {
         "literalType": "LIST",
         "values":          [
   "dataSequence": {"orderByColumns":    [
         "direction": "ASC",
         "seq": 1,
         "table": "F060116",
         "dictItem": "HMCO",
         "pageBreak": false,
         "levelBreak": true
         "direction": "ASC",
         "seq": 2,
         "table": "F060116",
         "dictItem": "HMCU",
         "pageBreak": false,
         "levelBreak": true
         "direction": "ASC",
         "seq": 3,
         "table": "F060116",
         "dictItem": "AN8",
         "pageBreak": false,
         "levelBreak": true
   "poValues":    [
         "id": 1,
         "value": ""
         "id": 2,
         "value": " "
         "id": 3,
         "value": " "
   "poPrompt": {"tabPages": [   {
      "type": 17,
      "idControl": 0,
      "pageNumber": 0,
      "idObject": 0,
      "title": "Address",
      "controls":       [
            "type": 4,
            "idControl": 0,
            "pageNumber": 0,
            "idObject": 1,
            "title": "1. Enter '1' to print address information",
            "memberName": "cPrintAddressInformation",
            "ddinfo":             {
               "ddict": "EV01",
               "alias": "EV01",
               "longName": "EverestEventPoint01",
               "systemCode": "00",
               "type": 1,
               "length": 1,
               "decimals": 0,
               "dispDecimals": 0,
               "searchFormName": "",
               "searchAppName": "",
               "nextNumberIndex": 0,
               "nextNumberSystem": "",
               "style": 1,
               "as400EditRule": "",
               "as400EditParm1": "",
               "as400EditParm2": "",
               "editRuleBFName": "",
               "as400DisplayRule": "",
               "as400DisplayParm": "",
               "dispRuleBFName": "",
               "currency": 0,
               "dfltValue": ""
            "poglossaryOverride": "S06401101"
            "type": 4,
            "idControl": 1,
            "pageNumber": 0,
            "idObject": 2,
            "title": "2. Enter '1' to print phone number",
            "memberName": "cPrintPhoneNumber",
            "ddinfo":             {
               "ddict": "EV01",
               "alias": "EV01",
               "longName": "EverestEventPoint01",
               "systemCode": "00",
               "type": 1,
               "length": 1,
               "decimals": 0,
               "dispDecimals": 0,
               "searchFormName": "",
               "searchAppName": "",
               "nextNumberIndex": 0,
               "nextNumberSystem": "",
               "style": 1,
               "as400EditRule": "",
               "as400EditParm1": "",
               "as400EditParm2": "",
               "editRuleBFName": "",
               "as400DisplayRule": "",
               "as400DisplayParm": "",
               "dispRuleBFName": "",
               "currency": 0,
               "dfltValue": ""
            "poglossaryOverride": "S06401102"
            "type": 10,
            "idControl": 2,
            "pageNumber": 0,
            "idObject": 3,
            "title": "3. Phone Number Type\r\n    Enter UDC",
            "memberName": "szPhoneNumberType",
            "ddinfo":             {
               "ddict": "PHTP",
               "alias": "PHTP",
               "longName": "PhoneNumberType",
               "systemCode": "01",
               "type": 2,
               "length": 4,
               "decimals": 0,
               "dispDecimals": 0,
               "searchFormName": "W0005SB",
               "searchAppName": "P0005S",
               "nextNumberIndex": 0,
               "nextNumberSystem": "",
               "style": 1,
               "as400EditRule": "UDC",
               "as400EditParm1": "01",
               "as400EditParm2": "PH",
               "editRuleBFName": "",
               "as400DisplayRule": "",
               "as400DisplayParm": "",
               "dispRuleBFName": "",
               "currency": 0,
               "dfltValue": ""
            "poglossaryOverride": "S06401103"
   "dataSelectionColumns":    [
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 1,
         "displayString": "401(k) Non-Discrimination Test1 (F060116) (K001) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "K001",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 1,
         "displayString": "401(k) Non-Discrimination Test10 (F060116) (K010) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "K010",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 1,
         "displayString": "401(k) Non-Discrimination Test2 (F060116) (K002) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "K002",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 1,
         "displayString": "401(k) Non-Discrimination Test3 (F060116) (K003) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "K003",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 1,
         "displayString": "401(k) Non-Discrimination Test4 (F060116) (K004) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "K004",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 1,
         "displayString": "401(k) Non-Discrimination Test5 (F060116) (K005) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "K005",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 1,
         "displayString": "401(k) Non-Discrimination Test6 (F060116) (K006) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "K006",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 1,
         "displayString": "401(k) Non-Discrimination Test7 (F060116) (K007) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "K007",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 1,
         "displayString": "401(k) Non-Discrimination Test8 (F060116) (K008) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "K008",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 1,
         "displayString": "401(k) Non-Discrimination Test9 (F060116) (K009) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "K009",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Additional Employee No (F060116) (OEMP) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "OEMP",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 1,
         "displayString": "Address Flag (F060116) (AFLG) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "AFLG",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 9,
         "displayString": "Address Number (F060116) (AN8) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "AN8",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 9,
         "displayString": "Address Number-Provider/Trustee (F060116) (ANN8) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "ANN8",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 9,
         "displayString": "Age - Employee (F060116) (FAGE) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "FAGE",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 9,
         "displayString": "Amount - Cash Accumulator (F060116) (CBAC) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "CBAC",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 9,
         "displayString": "Amount - Maximum Net Pay (F060116) (NMAX) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "NMAX",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 9,
         "displayString": "Benefit Cycle Bypass Count (F060116) (BCB) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "BCB",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Benefit Group (F060116) (DIVC) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "DIVC",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 9,
         "displayString": "Birthday - Month (F060116) (DOBM) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "DOBM",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Business Unit (F060116) (MCU) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "MCU",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Business Unit - Home (F060116) (HMCU) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "HMCU",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 1,
         "displayString": "Cash Benefit (F060116) (CBEN) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "CBEN",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll1 (F060116) (P001) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P001",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll10 (F060116) (P010) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P010",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll11 (F060116) (P011) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P011",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll12 (F060116) (P012) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P012",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll13 (F060116) (P013) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P013",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll14 (F060116) (P014) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P014",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll15 (F060116) (P015) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P015",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll16 (F060116) (P016) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P016",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll17 (F060116) (P017) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P017",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll18 (F060116) (P018) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P018",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll19 (F060116) (P019) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P019",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll2 (F060116) (P002) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P002",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll20 (F060116) (P020) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P020",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll3 (F060116) (P003) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P003",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll4 (F060116) (P004) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P004",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll5 (F060116) (P005) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P005",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll6 (F060116) (P006) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P006",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll7 (F060116) (P007) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P007",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll8 (F060116) (P008) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P008",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Category Codes - Payroll9 (F060116) (P009) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "P009",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Change Reason (F060116) (TRS) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "TRS",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 9,
         "displayString": "Compa-Ratio (F060116) (CMPA) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "CMPA",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Company - Home (F060116) (HMCO) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "HMCO",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Country Code (F060116) (CCPR) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "CCPR",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
         "displayString": "Credit Message (F060116) (CM) [BC]",
         "type": 5,
         "view": "V060116Z",
         "dictItem": "CM",
         "table": "F060116"
         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 11,
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         "@type": "CBCObject",
         "idEVDT": 2,
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         "idEVDT": 2,
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         "@type": "CBCObject",
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         "idEVDT": 2,
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         "idEVDT": 2,
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         "type": 5,
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         "idEVDT": 1,
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