CRM Constants, Gold Bars

Select the Gold Bars tab.

Company Currency Code

Enter the value of the currency code you want to use to define the potential monetary amounts associated with opportunities. The system uses this currency code to calculate the monetary amount of each opportunity or customer for gold-bar display purposes.

No Bars

Enter the value at or below which no gold bars appear. For example, if you do not want gold bars to appear for any opportunities with a monetary value of 1,000 USD or less, enter 1000. This amount is associated with the currency code that you enter in the Currency Code field.

One Bar

Enter the values, between which, one gold bar appears. For example, if you want one gold bar to appear for opportunities with a monetary value between 1,000.01 USD and 15,000 USD, enter 1000.01 in the left field, and enter 15000 in the right field on the One Bar row. This amount is associated with the currency code that you enter in the Currency Code field.

Two Bars

Enter the values, between which, two gold bars appear. For example, if you want two gold bars to appear for opportunities with a monetary value between 15,000.01 USD and 100,000 USD, enter 15000.01 in the left field, and enter 100000 in the right field on the Two Bar row. This amount is associated with the currency code that you enter in the Currency Code field.

Three Bars

Enter the values, between which, three gold bars appear. For example, if you want three gold bars to appear for opportunities with a monetary value between 100,000.01 USD and 500,000 USD, enter 100000.01 in the left field, and enter 500000 in the right field on the Three Bar row. This amount is associated with the currency code that you enter in the Currency Code field.

Four Bars

Enter the value, above which, four gold bars appear. For example, to display four gold bars for opportunities of 500,000.01 USD or more, enter 500000.01 in the field in the Four Bar row.