Billing Amounts

Select the Billing Amounts tab.


Identify the transaction currency.

Exchange Rate

Enter the number that a foreign currency amount is multiplied by or divided by to calculate a domestic currency amount.

The number in this field can have a maximum of seven decimal positions. If more are entered, the system adjusts to the nearest seven decimal positions.


Displays amounts in the domestic or foreign currency. Select this field to have the system display amounts in the foreign currency. Clear this field to have the system display amounts in the domestic currency.

Minimum Amount

Enter the minimum monetary amount to charge the customer. If the billable amount is less than the minimum amount, the system charges the customer for the minimum amount instead of the billable amount. This monetary amount is expressed in the currency of the company.

Flat Rate Amount

Enter the monetary amount charged to the customer regardless of how many hours are spent or how many parts are used in performing the service. The monetary amount is expressed in the currency that is set up for the company initiating the transaction.

The system retrieves the flat rate amount from the Advanced Pricing application. You can override this amount. If you override the amount and later need to retrieve the original default price from the Advanced Pricing application, select Reprice Flat Rate from the Form menu.

Review the billable amount. If you entered a minimum amount and a flat rate amount, the system uses the greater of the two values as the billable amount.

Discount Percent

Select this check box to indicate that this case is subject to a discount. If you use the discount percentage, the system calculates the discount based on a percentage of the billable amount.

Discount Amount

Enter the amount of the discount available, as opposed to the amount of the discount actually taken. The discount calculated is based on the invoice amount rather than the revenue amount.

Total Taxable Amount, Tax, and Total Billable Amount

Review the amounts in these fields. The system calculates the tax amount by using the tax rate area and the tax explanation code from the Pricing Info tab. The total billable amount is the sum of the Total Taxable Amount and the Tax fields.


Select this check box.

Note: The Billable check box must be selected to generate an entry successfully when you run the Case Workfile Generation program (R17675).