Creating a Branch Script

Access the Script – Manage {Script Name} form, Tree tab. Click the Detail link.

To create a branch script:

  1. Select the root node, which contains the name of the script.

  2. To add a question to the script, click the Add Question button.

    The Question Information section appears on the form. You might need to scroll down to view this section on the screen.

  3. In the Question Information section, select the question that you want to add to the script by populating the Question ID field.

    The system displays the text of the selected question in the Question field.

  4. To insert the selected question, click the Insert Selected Question button, or click Cancel, and then select a new question.

    When you insert the question into the script, the system adds a question node to the script tree.

    Note: You can create a new question at this point; click the Create New Question button. If you choose to create a new question here, you must complete steps 3 and 4 after you create the question to add it to the script.
  5. In the script tree, select the question that you inserted.

    If you inserted a single or multiple select question, click the Add Answers button, and proceed to the next step.

    If you inserted a value input or guide information question, click the Add Any Node button. Then, select the answer, question, or any node under which you want to insert a new question, and return to step 3 to continue building the script.

  6. To add answer nodes to the question, scroll down to the Answer Set Information section of the form, select all of the answers that you want to attach to the question, and then click Insert Selected Answers.

    The system inserts answer nodes for each selected answer under the associated question. If you added answer nodes under a multiple select question, you must insert an any node at the same level as the answer nodes before you can add any additional questions under that question. It is not necessary to insert an any node after a single select question.

    To add another question to the script, select the answer, question, or any node under which you want to insert a new question, click the Add Question button, and return to step 3 to continue building the script.

    Note: If necessary, you can create an answer set at this point; click the Create Answer Set button and complete the steps to create an answer set.
  7. When you have finished adding all question, answer, and any nodes to the script, click Save Changes.

  8. To preview the script, click the Preview Runtime button.

    The system creates an instance of the script and runs the user through the script. When you have finished running through the script, click Finish. The system returns to the script tree.

  9. Verify that all changes have been saved, and then click Close to exit the program.