
The processing options on this tab define the defaults that the system uses when you run inquiries on tasks. Although you can override these values to search for tasks, you can specify defaults that are standard to most tasks on which you run inquiries in this version of Work With Tasks.

1. From status and 2. To status

Specify the From status or the To status. The system displays only those tasks that are within the status specified in the From status and To status processing options.

3. Document Type

Specify the document type for the system to use when you add a task directly through the Work With Tasks program. Document type CL (call) is the default. Enter document type if the case document type is different.

4. Status to use when a task is assigned.

Define the case status code from UDC 17/ST to use when a task is assigned.

5. Default the Assignee as the User

Specify the user as the default for the assignee. The system displays task that are assigned to the user. Values are:

Blank: Do not specify.

1: Specify.

6. Default Document Type

Specify the document type for the system to use when you add a task directly through the Case Update program. The document type CL (call) is the default. Enter the document type if the case document type is different.