
The processing options on this tab define the defaults that the system uses when you run inquiries on cases. Although you can override these values to search for cases, you can specify defaults that are standard to most cases on which you run inquiries in this version of Work With Case, such as country code, language code, assignee, and provider group.

1. Country Code

Specify the country code that the system uses when the Country Code field appears. The system displays cases that have this country code.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not use a specific country code in the selection criteria.

You must also set the Display Country Code processing option on the Display tab to display country codes.

2. Language

Specify which language to retrieve as the default language when the Language field is displayed. The system displays only cases that indicate this particular language preference.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not retrieve a default language.

You must also set the Display Language processing option on the Display tab to display languages.

3. Assignee

Specify the user as the default for the assignee. The system displays cases that are assigned to the user. Values are:

Blank: Do not specify.

1: Specify.

4. Provider Group

Specify the default provider group in the selection criteria. The system displays only cases that are assigned to this provider group. Values are:

0: Do not specify.

Specific queue: Specify.

5. Document Type

Use this processing option to specify the default document type.

6. Case Reason

Use this processing option to specify the default case reason.

7. Responsible Business Unit

Use this processing option to specify the default responsible business unit.