Forms Used to Set Up Routing Information

Form Name




Case Provider Group Routing Rules Sequence


Case Setup (G90CG), Provider Group Revisions

On the Work With Provider Groups form, select Routing Sequence from the Form menu.

Define the order that the system uses to search for a match between the case and routing rules. The system uses a hierarchical search method, from most specific to most general.

Record a number in the Sequence Number field and then enter Y in the fields that the system includes in the hierarchical search.

Case Provider Group Routing Rules Revisions


On the Work With Provider Groups form, select Routing Rules from the Form menu.

Set up routing rules to direct cases to the proper provider groups.

Specify either a person (assignee) or a provider group and then use any of the other active fields such as Product Model, Product Family, Environment, and so on, to determine the routing rule.