
The processing options on this tab define the processing that the system performs for this version of Work With Tasks.

1. Check Required Fields

Specify whether the system verifies that there is information in the required fields. You define which fields are required in the Required Fields Setup program (P1759). Values are:

Blank: Do not check.

1: Check.

See Setting Up Required Fields.

2. Notify when task is entered/closed

Specify whether the system sends notification when a task is entered or closed. Values are:

Blank: Do not send.

1: Send notification to provider group when task is entered and to originator when task is closed.

3. Notify Assignee

Specify whether the system sends notification to the assignee. Values are:

Blank: Do not notify.

1: Notify.

4. Notify Queue

Specify if the system notifies the provider group. Values are:

Blank: Do not notify.

1: Notify.

5. Bill for Cases

Use this processing option to specify whether to bill for maintenance requests. You must activate this processing option if you need to enter billing information for maintenance requests. Values are: Blank Do not bill for maintenance requests. 1 Bill for maintenance requests.