Related Objects

By using the Solutions program, you can associate solutions to items and review a list of cases and work orders to which the solution has been associated. You access this information through the Related Objects tab on the Solution Add form.

After you enter and save the basic solution information, you can associate solutions to items. When you enter a case or work order for a specific item, the solution displays on the Frequently Used form for you to review and select the appropriate solution. The solution displays on the Frequently Used form after it has solved at least one case or work order with the selected item. Until the solution has solved a case associated with the selected item, it does not appear on the Frequently Used form.

When a solution is associated with a case or work order, the system updates the solution record with the relationship information. The solution record includes all cases and work orders to which the solution has been applied, regardless of whether the solution solved the case or work order. The system maintains the list of related cases and work orders in real-time. These relationships cannot be deleted.

Solution administrators can use this information to review the quantity of cases and work orders with which the solution has been associated, as well as the details of each case or work order with which the solution has been associated. Solution administrators can also view which other solutions have also been associated with a case or work order.

See Working with Solutions.