Understanding Escalation Using Skill-Level Method

If you decide to escalate cases using the skill-level method and have set up routing rules, the system assigns a provider group and an assignee to the case based on the routing rules that have been created. After the system makes the provider group assignment, it calculates the case commitment date and time by analyzing entitled records (that is, service contracts) and unentitled records (case type and priority records), workday calendars, and threshold hours. The escalation routine then assigns the initial provider group member to the case by reviewing and comparing workloads and skill levels of provider group members

If an assignee is assigned by the routing rules or manually assigned to the case and the assignee is a member of the provider group, the case remains with that assignee until the escalation interval expires. The escalation routine does not process the initial assignment. The case's initial assignee is usually the provider group member with the lowest skill-level value and the fewest number of assigned cases.

At case entry, the system calculates the escalation start event, escalation warning event, and escalation event. The system uses the values defined in the F1753 and F90CG506 tables to assign and process the case through the provider group members assigned to the case. The F90CG506 table stores the assignees and skill levels; the F1753 table stores the escalation percentage values. The values in these tables determine when and for how long a provider member works on a case.

Using the values in the F1753 table, the case escalates through provider group members until the case reaches Closed status or the list of provider group members is exhausted. The most skilled provider group member remains as the assignee if there are not enough provider group members to continue escalating the case. The provider group manager receives all past due notifications for all unresolved cases.