Applying an Adjustment to Item in an Enhanced Basket

Access the Adjustment Per Basket Item form.

Quantity From

Enter a number to specify the value at which the system applies an adjustment or preference. The value can be a quantity, weight, or amount, depending on how you have defined level breaks.

For non-sliding rate adjustments, the system applies adjustments when the value equals the level break. For example, if the value is a quantity of 10, then the system applies the adjustment when a quantity of 10 or greater is ordered.

For sliding rate adjustments, the system does not apply the adjustment until a value greater than the level break is ordered. For example, if the value is a quantity of 10, then the system applies the adjustment when a quantity of 11 or greater is ordered.

Depending on the basket accumulation rule and the basket pricing rule that you specified in the Basket Master program, you can update the information in this field. If you do not enter any exception information for the items in the enhanced basket, the system applies standard basket repricing.