Applying Volume-Level Adjustments to Purchase Orders

To apply volume-level adjustments to purchase orders, you must attach an adjustment schedule to the supplier master record of the supplier with whom you place an order, or you must enter the adjustment schedule in the purchase order header. If the supplier master record includes an adjustment schedule, the Adjustment Schedule field is automatically populated on the Order Header - Additional Information form. You can change the adjustment schedule if necessary.

You can just save the order to automatically apply the volume-level adjustment. To interactively apply and preview the volume-level adjustment in the Order Details program (P4310), after entering the order details, select Basket/Order/Vol Adj from the Form menu, and then select Apply Reprice.

The system automatically computes the discount based on the adjustment setup and adjusts the base cost of each item in the Unit Cost field.

You can select Price History form from the Row menu to review the adjustment amount details for the selected item.