Basket Master Information

To use enhanced basket functionality, you must perform setup tasks for determining how the system applies the basket adjustments. First, you must indicate which items and item groups belong in the basket. You must also specify a basket accumulation rule and a basket pricing rule for the items that are contained in the basket. By doing so, you can specify discounts that apply to a particular item or item group as opposed to specifying a single discount for the entire basket.

The options for the basket accumulation rule are:

  • 0: Include the item or item group in basket summary; no minimum required.

  • 1: Include the item or item group in basket summary; minimum required.

  • 2: Exclude the item or item group from basket summary; no minimum required.

The options for the basket pricing rule are:

  • 0: Standard basket adjustment.

  • 1: Exception pricing.

  • 2: Neither standard nor exception pricing.

This table describes the results for each combination of values for the basket accumulation rule and the basket pricing rule:

Basket Pricing Rule

Basket Accumulation Rule




  • Item quantity is included in the basket accumulation

  • No minimum quantity of this item is required to qualify for basket adjustments

  • Item will receive standard basket adjustment



  • Item quantity is included in the basket accumulation when determining whether the basket qualifies for the adjustment

  • A minimum quantity of this item is required to qualify for basket adjustments

  • Item will receive standard basket adjustment



  • Item quantity is not included in the basket accumulation when determining whether the basket qualifies for the adjustment

  • No minimum quantity of this item is required to qualify for basket adjustments

  • Item will receive standard basket adjustment



  • Item quantity is included in the basket accumulation when determining whether the basket qualifies for the adjustment

  • No minimum quantity of this item is required to qualify for basket adjustments

  • Item will receive an exception basket adjustment that is unique to this item standard basket adjustment



  • Item quantity is included in the basket accumulation when determining whether the basket qualifies for the adjustment

  • A minimum quantity of this item is required to qualify for basket adjustments

  • Item will receive an exception basket adjustment that is unique to this item standard basket adjustment



  • Item quantity is not included in the basket accumulation when determining whether the basket qualifies for the adjustment

  • No minimum quantity of this item is required to qualify for basket adjustments

  • Item will receive an exception basket adjustment that is unique to this item standard basket adjustment



  • Item quantity is not included in the basket accumulation when determining whether the basket qualifies for the adjustment

  • No minimum quantity of this item is required to qualify for basket adjustments

  • Item will receive no adjustment



  • Item quantity is included in the basket accumulation when determining whether the basket qualifies for the adjustment

  • A minimum quantity of this item is required to qualify for basket adjustments

  • Item will receive no adjustment



  • Item quantity is not included in the basket accumulation when determining whether the basket qualifies for the adjustment

  • No minimum quantity of this item is required to qualify for basket adjustments

  • Item will receive no adjustment

The Basket Master program enables you to specify the unit of measure for accumulation, the basket accumulation rule, the basket pricing rule, and effective and expired dates as default information in the header portion of the form that displays by default into the detail area, where the contents of the basket are itemized.

The system stores master basket information in the Basket Master Header table (F4550).