Creating a Direct Price Adjustment

Access the Price Adjustment Schedule Revisions form.

Tier Level

Enter a number that represents the tier level in the structure at and below which the system applies this adjustment. This number must be equal to or less than the value that is specified in the Accumulate at Tier field. In a buying structure, a tier level 1 represents the top or highest level. A tier level greater than 1 represents a lower level in the buying structure.

Complete this field if you are creating direct price adjustments for buying structures and tiered rebates.

Accum Tier (accumulate at tier)

Enter the number that specifies the tier level at which amounts or rebates are accumulated in the buying structure. You must specify the accumulate at tier value at a level equal to or lower than the Beneficiary Tier value. In a buying structure, a tier level 1 represents the top or highest level. A tier level greater than 1 represents a lower level in the buying structure.

Complete this field if you are creating direct price adjustments for buying structures and tiered rebates.

Bene Tier (beneficiary tier)

Enter a number that specifies the beneficiary tier level in the buying structure. The beneficiary is the recipient of the accumulated rebate amount. In a buying structure, a tier level 1 represents the top or highest level. A tier level greater than 1 represents a lower level in the buying structure.

Complete this field if you are creating direct price adjustments for buying structures and tiered rebates.

Inheritance Flag

Indicate whether a price adjustment should be inherited by the child address numbers in a buying structure. Complete this field if you are creating direct price adjustments for buying structures and tiered rebates. Values are:

0: Price adjustment is not inherited.

1: Price adjustment is inherited.