Creating a Free Goods Adjustment

Access the Free Goods Revisions form.

Quantity Ordered

Enter the quantity of units that is affected by this transaction.

Related Price

Enter the price of a related item in a pricing or discount policy. For example, for a buy one, get one free policy, the free item is the related item. Enter this price in the unit of measure of the related item quantity.

Quantity Per Ordered

Specify how many items the customer must buy over the from level that is entered on the Price Adjustment Detail form before additional free goods are awarded.

For example, if the from level is 10 and the quantity per ordered is 3, the customer receives additional free goods when the order is for 13 or more.

The customer receives free goods for ordering a value that reaches the defined level break. Additionally, the customer receives free goods for every multiple of the value in the Quantity Per Ordered field over the From Level field. In this example, the customer receives free goods for ordering at least 10 and also for every multiple of 3 over 10. If the order is for 25, the customer receives the number of free goods in the Quantity Ordered field, multiplied by 5. Five represents every multiple of 3 past the from level. The from level is 10, so additional free goods are awarded for quantities of 13, 16, 19, 22, and 25.

The system uses these calculations:

Quantity Per Ordered Factor = [(Quantity Ordered) − (From Level)] / (Quantity Per Ordered)

Total Free Goods Quantity = [(Free Good Quantity Ordered) + (Free Good Quantity Ordered)] × (Quantity Per Ordered Factor)