
These processing options control whether the system displays records within the Adjustment Balances program. They can also be used to control when the system displays agreement expiration warning messages.

1. Adjust Balance Records

Specify which adjustment balance records the system displays. Values are:

Blank: Display all.

1: Display only active.

2: Display only inactive.

2. Minimum Quantity Percentage

Specify the minimum percentage of quantity that the system permits before displaying an expiration warning message. The system displays the quantity columns (for the adjustments that have passed the minimum quantity percentage) in a different color.

3. Minimum Remaining Quantity

Specify the minimum remaining quantity that the system permits before displaying an expiration warning message. The system displays the quantity columns (for the adjustments that have passed the minimum quantity) in a different color.

4. Minimum Percentage of Remaining Days

Specify the minimum percentage of remaining days that the system permits before displaying an expiration warning message. The system displays the expiration date columns (for adjustments that have passed the minimum percentage of remaining days) in a different color.

5. Minimum Number of Remaining Days

Specify the minimum number of remaining days that the system permits before displaying an expiration warning message. The system displays the expiration date columns (for the adjustments that have passed the minimum number of remaining days) in a different color.