Forms Used to Create a Search Agent

Form Name

Form ID



Price Adjustments Global Revisions


Advanced Operations (G423114), Mass Maintenance

Specify the table for which to create a search agent and the search agent name.

The search agent only works with the F4511W table.

Search Agent Revisions


Select SA (Search Agent) Revisions from the Form menu on the Price Adjustments Global Revisions form.

Select any of these fields: Alias, Alpha Description, Security On, or View All Fields.

Create and revise search agents

Note: If you activate security, only the person who created the search agent may revise it.

List of Values Revisions


Select a record from the SA Revisions form, and then select Revisions from the Row menu.

Specify the Relationship Type and the Search Agent Value on the List of Values Revisions form.

Specify search criteria for a search agent.