Forms Used to Work with Ship and Debit Adjustments

Form Name

Form ID



Document Type Revisions


Ship and Debit Processing (G4511), Document Type Maintenance

Click the Add button on the Work With Document Type form.

You can also locate the document type to set up to process ship and debit transactions and click the Select button.

Set up ship and debit document types.

You must set up document types to enable ship and debit processing before using ship and debit functionality.

Set Inclusion or Exclusion


Ship and Debit Processing (G4511), Ship and Debit Items

Locate an item on the Work with Ship and Debit Items form and select Set Rule from the Form menu.

Set up ship and debit items.

You cannot change the inclusion or exclusion rule if records exist.

Modify Adj. Controls


Ship and Debit Processing (G4511), Adjustments Definition

Click the Add button on the Work with Adjustment Types form.

Define ship and debit adjustments.

Price Adjustment Definition


Select the Ship and Debit option on the Modify Adj. Controls form and click the OK button.

Select price adjustment options about the ship and debit adjustment, such as whether the adjustment applies to a specific price group.

Enter price adjustment information about the ship and debit adjustment.

Balance Revisions


Ship and Debit Processing (G4511), Adjustment Balances

Enter the name of the adjustment on the Work with Adjustment Balances form and click the Add button.

Select a preference on the Preference Hierarchy Selection form and click the Select button.

Set up ship and debit adjustment balances.

Work with Adjustment Balances


Ship and Debit Processing (G4511), Adjustment Balances

Set up ship and debit adjustment detail balances.