Forms Used to Work with the Price Matrix

Form Name

Form ID



Search Price Matrix Definitions


Adjustment Set Up (G4231112), Price Matrix Definition

Click Find on the Search Price Matrix Definitions form.

Locate a price matrix definition.

Search Price Adjustments


To create a price matrix definition, click Add on the Search Price Matrix Definitions form.

To locate a price adjustment definition, click Find on the Search Price Adjustments form.

Add a price matrix definition.

Locate a price adjustment definition.

Add Price Matrix Definition


Select a price adjustment definition on the Search Price Adjustments form.

Enter a value in the Price Matrix Name field and then select Column and Row Identifiers. Click Save on the Add Price Matrix Definition form.

Create the structure of the price matrix definition.

Edit Price Matrix Definition


Select a price matrix definition and click Edit on the Search Price Matrix Definitions form.

Select Column and Row Identifiers. Click Save on the Edit Price Matrix Definition form.

Edit a price matrix definition.

Edit Price Matrix


Select a price matrix definition and click View Price Matrix on the Search Price Matrix Definitions form.

Select a Hierarchy Level, complete all of the fields in the header, and click the Load Price Matrix button on the Edit Price Matrix form. Enter values and formulas in the detail area and click the Save button.

Create the price matrix.

Edit the price matrix.

Price Matrix Definition - Import/Export


Click the Import or Export button on the Edit Price Matrix form.

Click the Import button to import pricing matrix data from a spreadsheet on the Import form. Locate the spreadsheet. Click OK to transfer the data to the Edit Price Matrix form or click Cancel to return to the Edit Price Matrix form on the Import form.

Select column headings from the Select Column field to refresh the data, and then click Save on the Edit Price Matrix form.

Click the Export button to export pricing matrix data to a spreadsheet on the Import form. Complete the data to create a spreadsheet. Click OK or Cancel on the Export form.

Import or export pricing data to or from a spreadsheet.

Price Adjustments Global Revisions form


On the Advanced Operations menu (G423114), click the arrow next to Mass Maintenance and select Versions.

Select the appropriate Copy Mode version of the F4072 Global Update Engine (P45550) on the Work with Version form and click Select.

On the Price Adjustments Global Revisions form, ensure the Copy Records button is selected and locate pricing records.

On the Price Adjustments Global Revisions form, enter a value in the appropriate field on the UBE row.

(Optional) Click Update Grid Only to view changes that the system makes to the records.

Click OK.

Click OK to confirm the addition.

Copy price matrix records.