Item and Customer Price Groups

Price groups are an optional way of organizing pricing schemes. You can set up customer price groups to enter and update price information for multiple customers and items in unison rather than individually. For example, you can create a customer price group, named PREFER, for preferred customers, who can purchase a bike for 20.00 USD less than other customers. You can set up item price groups to enter and update price information for multiple items rather than individually. For example, you can group similar bikes with different colors, named BIKES, and define one price for this group.

You can set up simple and complex price groups. A simple price group is identified by a user defined code (UDC). For items, you set up a price group name as UDC 40/PI and assign the item to the group name in the Item Branch/Plant Information. For customers, you set up a price group name as UDC 40/PC and assign the customer to the group in the Customer Billing Instructions.

To provide greater flexibility in the pricing structure, you can define complex customer and item price groups. Within each complex customer price group or complex item price group, you can create subgroups based on specific address book and item category codes. With complex price groups, customers can belong to the same group but have different prices based on category codes, such as geographic location.