JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing and Blend Management

A contract with a grower may span several years or growing periods and you want to maintain the contract and the price you pay for grapes over a lengthy period. Several features of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing system integrate with the JD Edwards Blend Management system:

  • Price matrix to maintain adjustment detail records.

  • Minimum or maximum price adjustment to maintain minimum or maximum pricing on receipts for grapes.

  • Repricing receipts using a price adjustment.

  • Pricing based on quality tests.

  • Manual override of the price on a contract and apply adjustments.

  • Repricing of a batch of purchase orders or receipts.

The sections that provide detailed information about features used in Blend Management are specified with the heading Using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing and Blend Management.