Order Reprice Adjustment for All Items

You can set up an order level adjustment for all items on a sales order. The system accumulates all items on the sales order regardless of whether the items belong to any reprice group, and compares the accumulated totals to the appropriate level breaks of the all items order reprice adjustment. If the totals qualify for an additional discount, the system reflects the discount as a flat dollar amount in a new sales order line. This supplements the repricing function and operates in the same repricing batch and interactive program.

The system only allows an all items order reprice adjustment to be set up as a weight or amount level break adjustment. This adjustment must be for the sales order. The system allows only one basis code for all level breaks within each all items order reprice adjustment.

Note: If the adjustment detail lines have more than one basis code, then the system issues an error message when saving the adjustment details. Also, the system does not support basket adjustments for all items order reprice adjustments.

An all items order reprice adjustment can be set up with all other types of adjustments in a schedule.

To set up an all items order reprice adjustment, you set up a pricing hierarchy in the Preference Hierarchy program (P40073) that has hierarchy levels for all items. You enter numbers in the All Items column (third column) to enable the hierarchy for all items.

Next, you set up a weight or amount level break adjustment definition in the Price Adjustment Type program (P4071). You must select either the Weight Level Break or Amount Level Break option in the Level Break Type group box in order for the system to display the all items hierarchy for you to choose when creating the adjustment details.

When you set up the adjustment detail for the all items order reprice adjustment using the Price Adjustment Detail Revisions program (P4072), the system displays the All Items hierarchy levels in addition to the Item Group hierarchy levels for you to select from.

If you select the All Items Hierarchy level, then the Price Adjustment Detail Revisions form does not display the Order Reprice Group field for input. Thus, the adjustment details set up is not for any particular reprice group. The adjustment is for all items and customer; all items and customer group; or all items and all customers depending on the hierarchy set up and selection.