Performing a Mass Update of Price Adjustment Records

Access the Price Adjustments Global Revisions form.

Qty From Upd Type (quantity from update type)

Indicate the type of global update that the system applies to the prices in the F4072 table. Values are:

A: Add-on amount

$: Override amount

%: Percentage

Formula Name

Enter a value from UDC 40/FM to identify a price formula. All price formulas are stored in the F4076 table.

Factor Val Upd Type (factor value update type)

Indicate the type of global update that the system applies to the prices in the F4072 table. Values are:

A: Add-on amount

$: Override amount

%: Percentage

F G (free good)

Displays a Y if a price adjustment is associated with any free goods information. The system displays the option field in the Price Adjustment Detail Revisions form in reverse image to signify that the record is associated with free good information.

Order Detail

Enter a value from UDC 40/SD to identify a sales order detail group. You use sales order detail groups to create pricing that is based on a field in the F4211 table.

Price Partials

Indicate whether the system awards discounts to partial values (quantities, weights, or amounts). This option is valid only when you specify a factor value UOM (unit of measure). For example, if a certain discount is to be awarded for quantities of two dozen and greater, selecting this option enables the system to award the adjustment to two dozen, 24 each, or any quantity that is greater. If you leave this option blank, the system does not award the discount to partial quantities. For example, when a customer orders 30 each, then only 24 each are discounted. Values are:

Blank: The system does not enable partial values.

1: The system enables partial values. This is the default value.

Bskt Parent ID (basket parent identification)

Enter the code that links exception pricing basket records to a standard basket adjustment.

Override Amount ($)

Indicate the type of global update that the system applies to the prices in the F4072 table. Values are:

A: Add-on amount

$: Override amount

%: Percentage

Add Percent (%)

Indicate the type of global update that the system applies to the prices in the F4072 table. Values are:

A: Add-on amount

$:  Override amount

%: Percentage

Add-on Amount (A)

Indicate the type of global update that the system applies to the prices in the F4072 table. Values are:

A: Add-on amount

$: Override amount

%: Percentage

Factor Value

Indicate how the system adjusts an order line. The value in this field works in with the Basis field. How you define the Basis field determines whether you enter a number or a code in this field.

If the basis code is:

1–5: Enter a positive number for markups. For example, enter 10. Enter a negative number for discounts. For example, enter 10–.

6: Enter the code that identifies the variable table in the Formula Name column.

7: Enter the code that identifies the formula in the Formula Name column.

8: Calculate the adjustment using a custom program. Enter the program ID in the Formula Name column.