Price Approval Workflow

After the Price Approval process is activated, the system can detect when a user changes a base price or adjustment schedule. When a change in price is detected, the Workflow process automatically routes a message to the appropriate people for their approval or rejection.

When a user creates or changes a price, the system displays a message that notifies the user that the change has been submitted for approval. The system does not reflect the new or changed price on orders until all designated parties approve the requested change.

This flowchart illustrates the process that new or changed prices go through during the Workflow process:

Workflow for price approvals

The Price Approval process does not change the original price separate from the new or changed price. This process enables continued use of the standing price while the changed price is awaiting approval.

For example, if you must change an item for the next promotional period, you can change the price within the Base Price Revisions form or the Price Adjustment Detail Revisions form. Upon inquiring again on the same price, two prices would exist: the original, active base price and the new, pending price.

Multiple prices can exist for the same effective period. Prices that exist in the system when you activate Require Price Approval are automatically approved. All status codes for pre-existing prices are set to the blank, active status code.