Price List Generation

When you generate prices for a price list, the system runs the Price List Price Generation program (R45522) and submits each shell record to be priced. The system populates the price columns using adjustment information from the F40UI74 table, and creates individual price adjustment rows in the F45521 table. You can generate prices only after you have created shell records and if the Price List Price Generation program has not been run in final mode.

If you use taxed prices and run the Price List Price Generation program, the system retrieves tax-related information from the Price List Header Tax (F45520TX) and Price List Detail Tax (F45521TX) tables, calculates unit tax and taxed unit price for the price list order, and updates the values in the F45520TX and F45521TX tables.

See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide

Note: You cannot manually change the prices in a price list.The system does not generate the price list if you leave the Currency Code field blank.