
These processing options enables you to specify processing values.

1. Enable Adjustment Detail (F4072) Filter on Expiration Date

Specify whether the system filters records in the Adjustment Detail table (F4072) that are loaded into the Accelerated Pricing Resolution Engine based on the adjustment expiration date. Values are:

Blank: The system does not filter adjustment detail records.

1: The system filters adjustment detail records based on the specified adjustment detail expiration date for filtering.

2. Adjustment Detail Expiration Date for Filtering

Specify the adjustment detail expiration date that the system uses to filter records in the Adjustment Detail table (F4072) that are loaded into the Accelerated Pricing Resolution Engine. For example, if the filter date is November 30, 2012 the system loads all of the F4072 records that expire on or after November 30, 2012 to the Accelerated Pricing Resolution Engine cache.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the system date.