
Although processing options are set up during EnterpriseOne implementation, you can change processing options each time you run a program.

1. Receipt Landed Cost

Leave this option blank or enter 0 to enable the system to reprice a receipt line that has a landed cost.

Enter 1 and the system does not permit repricing of a receipt line that contains a landed cost.

2. Preserve Free Goods on Purchase Order

Leave this option blank and the system does not preserve free goods on a purchase order.

Enter 1 to preserve free goods on purchase order.

3. Recost Blend Lots

Use this processing option to specify whether to call the Recost Blend Lots Batch (R31B30) when repricing receipts. Values are:

Blank: Call the Recost Blend Lots Batch program.

1: Do not call the Recost Blend Lots Batch program.

4. Reprice Date

Specify the date that the system uses to reprice the purchase order receipt. The system uses this date to determine the adjustments that apply from the advanced pricing adjustment schedule attached to the associated purchase order. Values are:

Blank: The system uses the receipt transaction date (TRDJ) from the Purchase Order Receiver File table (F43121) as the reprice date.

1: The system uses the receipt date (RCDJ) from the Purchase Order Receiver File table (F43121) as the reprice date.

2: The system uses the date that you run the Reprice Procurement/Receipts program as the reprice date.