Resolving Conflicting Adjustments

During order entry, if mutually exclusive adjustments qualify for a sales order detail line, the system issues a warning message to indicate that a mutual adjustment conflict exists. You can select Price History from the Row menu to review the conflicting adjustments. If you do not resolve the conflicting adjustment, the system issues a final warning message on the sales or purchase order before the system accepts the order.

Choose between these two methods to resolve the mutually exclusive conflict:

  • Cancel an adjustment

    On the Price History form, select Cancel Adj. (cancel adjustment) from the Row menu. On the dialog box that appears, cancel the mutually exclusive adjustment or any other adjustments that belong to the same exclusive group.

  • Accept the adjustments

    On the Price History form, select Modify Exc Adj Flag (modify mutually exclusive adjustment flag) from the Row menu to clear the Mutually Exclusive flag, thereby specifying that the adjustments are no longer mutually exclusive.

If you do not resolve the adjustment, the system places the order on hold. Use the Exclusive Adjustment Hold processing option on the Order Holds tab in Sales Order Entry (P4210) to specify the hold code. Alternatively, use the Exclusive Adjustment Hold processing option on the Processing tab in Purchase orders (P4310) when conflicting adjustments remain in effect. You release held orders using the Held Order Release (P43070) program.