Reviewing Price and Adjustment Changes for Sales Orders

This section provides overviews of these reports:

  • Price Adjustment Maintenance (R41840).

  • Orders Affected by Price Change (R40821).

The reports list all adjustments and the changes made to sales order pricing adjustments. The reports also include any new adjustments, effective dates, and new factor values.

Note: When running the adjustment reports, you must include the Unit of Measure field in data selection so that the system applies the update or addition adjustment value consistently.

The Price Adjustments Maintenance program includes the versions for these adjustment reports:

  • Price Adjustment Report.

  • Price Adjustment Revisions Report.

  • Future Adjustments Additions Report.

You can run the Price Adjustments Maintenance program (R41840) in proof or in final mode. Run the program in proof mode to review the report and make changes before you run the program in final mode. You can run this program in proof mode as many times as necessary.

When you set up the version of the Price Adjustments Maintenance program, you can choose fields that the system selects from the based-on table. Choosing specific fields is especially helpful if you do not want to print or update all of the information.

You can also print the Orders Affected by Price Change Integrity report (R40821) to review orders that could potentially change due to changes to adjustments.