Running the R45750 Program as a Batch Process

You can apply basket adjustments to purchase orders by running a batch process. You also run the R45750 program as a batch process to apply basket adjustments to receipts.


Before you apply basket adjustments to purchase orders or receipts using the batch process:

  • Verify that an adjustment schedule is associated with the order record in the F4301 table.

  • Verify that the processing options and data selection are set up to process the records that you want to process.

To run the R45750 program:

  1. Select one of these options from the Periodic Processing (G43A1822) menu:

    • Basket Level Pricing for Purchase Orders

      The system runs version XJDE0001 when you select this option. The XJDE0001 version is set up to apply basket and order-level adjustments to purchase orders only.

    • Basket Level Pricing for Receipts

      The system runs version XJDE0002 when you select this option. The XJDE0002 version is set up to apply basket adjustments to receipts only.

    Note: You can run version XJDE0003 to process both purchase orders and receipts, but that option does not appear on a menu.
  2. Set up data selection and processing options.

  3. Click Submit.