Understanding Adjustment Details

Adjustment details provide the parameters for calculating price adjustments. Advanced pricing adjustment details contain basis codes that add pricing flexibility. You can define adjustment details when you add adjustment definitions to adjustment schedules. Adjustment details enable you to define special processing such as free goods, pricing formulas, or variable tables. The pricing hierarchy defines in what order the system uses the adjustments you list in the adjustment details. After you define adjustment details you can create a price matrix to add or change multiple adjustment detail records.

For all price adjustments using basis codes, you must enter information in the Basis Code, Factor Value, and Formula Name fields on the Price Adjustment Detail Revisions form before the system can calculate the adjustments. If you use formulas for pricing, you can access the Price Formula Revisions form to create a formula and also base a formula on an adjustment detail record using the Price Adjustment Detail Search and Select form. You can also base formulas on fields in various tables.

If you have set up a minimum or maximum price adjustment based on adjustment details, you set up the minimum or maximum price rule on the Price Adjustment Details form. You can set up this adjustment for a particular item, customer, supplier, item group, customer group, or combinations. The default value for the Basis Code field for a minimum or maximum price adjustment is 5 (add- on amount) and the system does not accept any other basis code. The amount you enter in the Factor Value Numeric field is in the currency that you define for the adjustment detail. The system converts the currency if the adjustment detail is set up in a different currency than the transaction currency.