Understanding Free Goods Adjustments

Free goods are typically promotional items. For example, you might run a promotion that gives the customer 1 free case of motor oil when they buy 10 cases. Free goods can also be items that help promote, display, or accompany the product that a customer orders. For example, free goods can be the items that help highlight a sale, such as a display case, posters, or promotional items such as buttons or hats.

You must create a valid adjustment to which you attach free goods. When you set up the free goods criteria, you define how the system applies the price and quantity of the free goods. Also, you define how the system should factor the price of the free goods into the price of the products that are actually being sold.

You can specify multiple free goods in a free goods catalog, which allows a customer to choose the free goods that they receive for a qualifying item on an order. When an item on an order qualifies and that item is included in a free goods catalog, the user receives a notification to view the free goods that are available with the sales or purchase order.

Any adjustment can have free goods with it. You specify:

  • The quantity of free goods.

  • Whether the free goods is a stock or non-stock item.

  • The unit price of the free goods.

    In most cases, this price is zero. However, you can specify a price for the item, such as when you offer a purchase-with-purchase promotion.

If you enter any of the price groups in the definition for a free goods adjustment, the price group is supplied by default into the adjustment detail and cannot be changed.